
  • JAMPE (Journal of Asset Management and Public Economy)

    Journal title Journal of Asset Management and Public Economy
    Initial JAMPE
    Abbreviation J Asset Manag Public Econ.
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January and July)
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    Online ISSN 2827-9816
    Editor in Chief Indanazulfa Qurrota A’yun
    Managing Editor Firsty Ramadhona Amalia Lubis
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda 

    Journal of Asset Management and Public Economy, JAMPE, is managed and published by the Department of Development Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Ahmad Dahlan University. The journal was published biannually in January and July. JAMPE aims to facilitate practitioners, researchers and academics in publishing their research, ideas or findings that related to issues of applying economic theory in Indonesia or other countries in the world. Articles must be scientific, original and unpublished. JAMPE does not publish manuscripts in critical review and book review. Articles published in this journal through the blind review process and reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. The determination of the accepted article is if the article complies with the publication requirements, there is no plagiarism, and the article topic is in accordance with the scope of JAMPE.

  • Journal of Biotechnology and Natural Science

    Journal title Journal of Biotechnology and Natural Sciences
    Initials JBNS
    Abbreviation Journal of Biotechnology and Natural Sciences
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    Online ISSN 2808-2508
    Editor-in-Chief Ichsan Luqmana Indra Putra
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Accreditation Sinta 4
    Citation Analysis Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions

    JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND NATURAL SCIENCE is a scientific journal managed by Program Study of Biology, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, and Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is a publisher. Journal of Biotechnology and Natural Science published twice times a year (June and December), with a focus on field biology. Scope covering is Biotechnology, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Ecology, Environmental Biology, and Molecular Biology. Manuscripts that are not in accordance with the scope will not be considered to be published.

    A manuscript submitted is evaluated through Initial Review by Editorial Editor in Chief/Managing Editor. If the article matches the journal requirements in terms of the scope, originality, novelty sufficiency of experimental data, and format, at least 2 (two) peer reviewers are assigned to review the manuscript with the Double-Blind Peer Review Process. After the review process is finished, the assigned editor makes the decision for the article. If the article needs revision, the manuscript is returned to the authors to revise. After that, the Editor in Chief makes the final decision (accepted or rejected). In each manuscript reviewed, peer reviewers will be rated based on the substantial and technical aspects.

    Before submission,
    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the JBNS Template and Carefully read the Author Guidelines. Starting 2023, Submit your paper ONLY in English If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at:

    Journal of Biotechnology and Natural Science Call For Paper for 2024

    Forthcoming publication schedules that are still open for submission is Vol 4. No. 1 and 2, Publish in June (Deadline April) and December (Deadline October) 2024, and Other forthcoming issues.

  • Islam in World Perspectives

    • Publisher: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

    • Frequency:  2 issues per year

    • DOI:  Prefix 10.26555

    • E-ISSN: 2807-3606

    • P-ISSN: 2807-3487

    • Language: English

    • Editor in Chief:  Zalik Nuryana

    • Citation Analysis:  SCOPUS | Web of Science | Google Scholar | Moraref

    Islam in world perspectives aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Islamic Studies. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Islamic Studies.

    All submitted conference papers will be blind peer-reviewed by three competent reviewers. The peer-reviewed conference proceedings are indexed in the Open Science Index, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, BASE, , and other index databases.

    Call for Papers, Scope: Quranic and Hadith Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Education, Islamic Economics, Islamic Civilization, Islamic Thought, Islamic law, Islamic Theology, Muslim Societies and Politics, Islam and the Muslim World, Anthropology, Sociology.

    Iwos Template

    For registration:

  • Bulletin of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education

    Journal title Bulletin of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education
    Initials BAMME
    Abbreviation Bull. Appl. Math. Math. Educ.
    Frequency 2 issues per year (April and October)
    ISSN e-ISSN 2776-1029 p-ISSN 2776-1002
    DOI prefix 10.12928 by Crossref
    Editor in chief Dian Eka Wijayanti
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar| Dimensions

    Bulletin of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (e-ISSN 2776-1029, p-ISSN 2776-1002) is a peer-refereed open access international journal which invites mathematicians and mathematics educators to disseminate their theoretical and practical research in the field of applied mathematics and mathematics education. It publishes twice in a year, in April and October. The journal accepts original articles written in English which have not been published and not under consideration to be published in another journal or proceedings. All submitted articles which meet these criteria will be double-blind reviewed by at least two international reviewers before the editor(s) decided to accept or to reject them. We are looking forward to see your contribution in the journal.


    Journal title Jurnal Inovasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan
    Initials JIMP
    Abbreviation Jur. Inov. Mnjn. Pen.
    Frequency 2 issues per tahun | Juni dan Desember
    DOI Prefix 10.26555 by 
    ISSN ISSN 2807-3592 (print) | 2807-3231 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Dian Hidayati, MM.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis SCOPUS | Sinta | Google Scholar | Dimensions

    Jurnal Inovasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan (JIMP) adalah jurnal dalam bidang Manajemen Pendidikan dengan ruang lingkup nasional menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris melalui proses yang melibatkan mitra bestari dalam penyuntingan artikel.

    Jurnal yang berfokus pada penerbitan artikel penelitian kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan campuran (mixed methods)  dalam lingkup Manajemen Pendidikan termasuk Kepemimpinan, Perencanaan, Sumber Daya Manusia, Keuangan, Kurikulum, Fasilitas dan Infrastruktur, Hubungan Masyarakat, Kemahasiswaan, Pembelajaran, Manajemen Pendidikan, Organisasi, Penjaminan mutu, dan Kebijakan Pendidikan.

  • Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking Review


    Journal title Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking Review
    Initials IEFBR
    Abbreviation Islamic Eco. Fin. Bank. Rev
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June - December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by Crossref
    ISSN 2807-3983
    Editor in Chief Rofiul Wahyudi
    Managing Editor Pribawa E Pantas
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking Review (IEFBR) is a journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, twice a year (June and December). As the name implies, this journal brings two major themes, namely Islamic Finance and Islamic Banking. The journal invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit articles to the management team. Articles submitted will be published after being verified and modified to suit the standard international journals. IEFBR limited only publish articles related to two major themes that have been mentioned. First, Islamic finance includes all submissions related to Islamic finance only. 

    Specifically is divided into two, namely Islamic monetary and microfinance. Islamic monetary can be broken down into various examples of topics such as the Islamic monetary system, sharia capital markets, Islamic philanthropy (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf) so forth. Subsequently, sharia microfinance submissions can be illustrated in various topics related to sharia microfinance institutions, sharia cooperation, and baitul maal wa tamwil (BMT). The second major theme is Islamic Banking. The study of Islamic banking includes all submissions related to Islamic banking: management, marketing, accounting, product, systems, etc.

    Specifically, Islamic banking's theme translated into various examples such as Islamic banks' role in macroeconomics, funding of Islamic banks, Islamic banks products, systems technology, entrepreneurship program of Islamic banks, etc.

    Besides the two major themes above, this article prioritizes posts that have a value interesting discussion. The attractiveness of the indicators measured in content writing contains IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Research, and Discuss). The articles do not classify journals, whether qualitative or quantitative, as long as the text does not contain plagiarism. We do not receive articles published in other journals before. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and evaluated by a minimum of two national reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

  • Optimum: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan

    Journal title Optimum: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
    Initials Optimum
    Abbreviation Optim. J. Ekon. dan Pembang.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | March and September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN p-ISSN: 1411-6022 | e-ISSN: 2613-9464
    Editor-in-chief Suripto
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Sinta | Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda)

    Optimum : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, p-ISSN: 1411-6022 and e-ISSN: 2613-9464, is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (March and September) by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The journal is published in electronic (PDF) versions. Electronic articles are available on This journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the research results on economics and development.

    The journal focuses on the studies related to economics and development relevant to the development of theory and practices of economics, especially in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and in the world. Therefore, the journal accepts articles from Indonesia and other countries. 

    The journal covers several research approaches, such as quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method. Plagiarism is not tolerated in any form (maximum similarity index is 10%). Starting from Vol. 11, No. 1 (March 2021), all manuscripts are published in English. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

  • Ahmad Dahlan Legal Perspective


    Journal title Ahmad Dahlan Legal Perspective
    Initials ADLP
    Abbreviation Amd. Dhl. Leg. Per
    Frequency 2 issues per year | March - September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by Crossref
    E-ISSN 2797-3123
    Editor-in-chief Mufti Khakim
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Sinta I Google ScholarDimensions

    Ahmad Dahlan Legal Perspective is a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This journal was published biannually in March and September. ADLP offers instantaneous open access to its content to make research easily available to the public. The aim of this journal is to offer a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners for publishing their original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deals with a broad range of topics in the fields of law that specialized in interconnection studies. Thus, the articles not only dealing in the legal studies but interconnect it with another sciences to generate new perspective.

  • Taqaddumi: Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies

    Journal title Taqaddumi: Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies
    Initials Taqaddumi
    Abbreviation Taqaddumi j. Quran Hadith stud.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June and December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN 2798-8589 (printed)/2798-7167 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Muhammad Irfan Helmy
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Taqaddumi: Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies is a high-quality, open-access, peer-reviewed research journal that is published in every June and December by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. Taqaddumi is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of the Qur'an and Hadith. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with the biography or the study of thoughts on contemporary Qur'an and Hadith Figures, Texts or Thematic Studies to Generate Relevant Understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith, Development of the study of the Science of the Qur'an and hadith, Study of the Qur'an and Hadith in an area or community.

    The manuscript must be original research, written in English and Arabic, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two international reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.




    Journal title Commicast
    Initials Commicast
    Abbreviation Commicast
    Frequency 3 issues per year
    DOI 10.12928
    ISSN 2723-7672
    Editor-in-chief Professor Zhou Huiquan | SCOPUS ID: 55551412900 
    Publisher Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Managing Editor Dani Fadillah | SCOPUS ID: 85079170928
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | SINTA 3 | Garuda | Scopus

    The Commicast is an interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in literature, culture and communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is literature, culture and communication study. The spectrum of topics include but not limited to: New Media; Political Communication; Advertising, Press and Television Broadcasting; Public Relations; Semiotics; Public Opinion; Culture and Social Interaction; Communication and National Resilience; Communication and Policies; Communication, War, and Conflicts; Health Communication; Globalization and Social Impact; Media, Democracy and Integration; Media Literacy and Media Education; Media and Tourism; Media and Development; Media, Popular Culture, and Society; Media and Religion; Media and Identity; Politics, Hegemony, and the Media; Gender and Sexuality in the Media; The Social Media and Subcultures; Youth and Media Globalization; Information Communication Technology; Audience Analysis.

    These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books based education and learning. The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.

    Before submission
    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Commicast paper TEMPLATE and Carefully read the author guidelines. Submit your paper ONLY in English If you have problems about the journal, please contact us at:
  • Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal

    Journal title Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
    Initials DPPHJ
    Abbreviation Dis.Prev.Public Health J.
    Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
    DOI 10.12928/dpphj
    Online ISSN 2720-9997
    Business Model University
    License CC-BY-SA
    Editor-in-chief Prof. Solikhah S.KM., M.Kes., Dr.PH
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


    Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal e-ISSN: 2720-9997 is open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of health-related prevention with a particular focus on epidemiology, biostatistics, nutrition, family health, climate change, infectious and non-infectious diseases, health services research, gerontology, child health, adolescent health, behavioural medicine, rural health, health promotion, public health policy and management, health economics, occupational health and environmental health and the understanding of all aspects of public health. Submitted papers must be written in Indonesian and/or English for the initial review stage by editors and the further process by a minimum of two reviewers. 




  • Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal


    Journal title Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal
    Initials ADMJ
    Abbreviation Ahmad Dahlan Med. J
    Frequency 2 issues per year | May and November
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by
    ISSN 2774-3837 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Dewi Yuniasih
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis

    Google Scholar, GARUDA, SINTA, DIMENSIONS 

    Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that focuses on promoting medical sciences generated from basic sciences, clinical, and community or public health research to integrate research in all aspects of human health. This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also interesting case reports. Brief communications containing short features of medicine, the latest developments in diagnostic procedures, treatment, or other health issues that are important for the development of the healthcare system are also acceptable. Letters and commentaries on our published articles are welcome. This medical journal is an official scientific journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


    Before submission,
    You have to make sure that your manuscript is prepared using ADMJ TEMPLATE and carefully read the submission guidelines. Submit your manuscript in English. Shall you require further information, inquiries, or any technical support, please contact us at

  • International Journal on Education Insight

    Journal title International Journal on Education Insight
    Initials IJEI
    Abbreviation Int. J. Educ. Insight
    Frequency 2 issues per year (April and October)
    ISSN e-ISSN 2722-2691 p-ISSN 2722-2683
    DOI prefix 10.12928 by Crossref
    Editor in chief Prof. Dr. Yasemin Kırkgöz
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions

    International Journal on Education Insight (IJEI), p-ISSN  2722-2683, e-ISSN 2722-2691, is an international peer-reviewed journal focused on education. It provides a forum for education experts around the globe to share their ideas and practices, particularly in the field of education.

    IJEI is home-based at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It publishes twice a year in April and October.

    The journal welcomes original research manuscripts and is not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. A literature review manuscript is also welcome as long as it provides an adequate and deep review of a large number of references

    The papers may discuss research, experience, and perspectives on teaching, instruction, educational projects and innovations, learning methodologies, and the use of new technologies in education.


    Journal title MIMESIS
    Initials MIMESIS
    Abbreviation MIMESIS
    Frequency 2 issues per year | January and July 
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN 2715-744X (printed)/ 2721-916X (Online)
    Editor-in-chief Tristanti Apriyani
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Mimesis is academic, open access, and peer-reviewed journal founded and first published in 2020 by the Indonesian Literature Department, Faculty of Culture, Literature, and Communication, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia.


    Focusing on culture, language, and literature as it is viewed from the Indonesian perspective, Mimesis provides a platform for the presentation, analysis, and criticism of provocative work, publishing articles that transcend disciplines and advance the study of humanities.


    Issues are published two times per year (in January and July) and all articles are published exclusively in Bahasa and English. Submissions are open year-round. However, before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript fits within Mimesis focus and scope, and is written in English, and follows our author guidelines. Please note that only research articles or book reviews are accepted.

  • International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation

    Journal title International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation
    Initials IJEMI
    Abbreviation Int. Journal Educational Management 
    Frequency 3 issues per year | January - May - September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by 
    ISSN ISSN 2721-933X (print) | 2716-2338 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Suyatno, M.Pd.I
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

    IJEMI (International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in January, May and September. The IJEMI has sought to publish research on publishing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research articles in the scope of Education Management including leadership, education planning, human resources, education finance, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, student affairs, learning process, education management, organizations, quality assurance, and education policy. Submission of the journal should normally follow the IJEMI template.
  • Jurnal Genre (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya)


    Journal title Jurnal Genre (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya)
    Initials JG
    Abbreviation J. Genre (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya)
    Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 
    ISSN E-ISSN: 2716-2613
    Editor-in-chief Hasrul Rahman, M.Pd.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda

    Jurnal Genre (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya) merupakan jurnal ilmiah pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Satra Indonesia, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Jurnal ini menerbitkan hasil penelitian  yang berhubungan dengan pengajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, kajian linguistik dan pengajarannya, serta kajian sastra dan pengajarannya.

    Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menampung hasil penelitian Prodi PBSI UAD dan di luar UAD yang memiliki jalinan kerja sama. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini adalah perguruan tinggi pada prodi PBSI yang berkerja sama dengan UAD. Fokus jurnal ini adalah pengajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, kajian linguistik dan pengajarannya, serta kajian sastra dan pengajarannya.

  • Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro

    Journal Title Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro
    Initial BISTE
    Abbreviation Bul. Ilm. Sarj. Tek. Elektro
    Published Frequency 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December)
    DOI 10.12928/biste
    Print & Online ISSN 2685-7936 | 2685-9572
    Business Model Open Access & Author Pays
    Advisory Editor Angelo Marcelo Tusset
    Editor in Chief Alfian Ma'arif
    Organizer Department of Electrical Engineering
    Supervision UAD Institute of Scientific Publication
    Publisher & Sponsorships Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis/  Indexing  Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Sinta | ScopusDimensions
    Metrics Author Diversity | Statistics
    Digital Marketing Youtube Channel | Instagram | Direct Email | Website | Journal Partner |
    Society Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia


    Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro (BISTE) is a national peer-reviewed open-access journal organized by the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The journal invites academicians (student and lecturer), researchers, and engineers to contribute to the development of theoretical and practice-oriented theories of Electrical Engineering, which covers some major areas such as 1) Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2) Control systems and Robotics, 3) Artificial Intelligence, 4) Image and Signal Processing, 5) Information Technology and System, 6) Industrial Automation, 7) Microprocessor and Embedded System 8) Internet of Things (IoT). This journal also invites reviewers and editors to be involved in the review process. This journal will become a discussion forum between the author and the reviewer and mediated by the editor.

  • Journal of Halal Science and Research

    Journal title Journal of Halal Science and Research
    Initial JHSR
    Abbreviation J. Halal Sci. Res.
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 
    Print ISSN 2715-6214
    Online ISSN 2964-4909
    Editor-in-chief Dr. apt. Nina Salamah, S.Si.,M.Sc.,
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis SINTA S3 | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions

    Journal of Halal Science and Research (JHSR) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. It is a semi-annual journal published in February and September (two annual issues). The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, research findings, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of Halal Studies. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in English) which have never been published or are under consideration for publication in any other publication. The journal invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to submit articles to the management team. Articles submitted will be published after being verified and modified to suit the standard journals.

  • International Journal of Industrial Optimization

    Journal title International Journal of Industrial Optimization
    Initials IJIO
    Abbreviation Int. J. Ind. Optim.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | February and September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by
    ISSN 2714-6006 (printed)/2723-3022 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Hayati Mukti Asih
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri)
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar, Dimension, ICI, Sinta, ProQuest, Ebsco, Scopus

    The International Journal of Industrial Optimization (IJIO) is an international journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. This is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal which is published twice a year (2 issues/year) in February and September. The first volume of IJIO was launched in February 2020. IJIO covers theoretical and empirical questions in industrial optimization. The span of coverage ranges from the basic implementation of production systems and simulation to advanced problems such as data mining and metaheuristics. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that connect the gaps between research, development, and implementation.


    Before submission,
    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the IJIO TEMPLATE and Carefully read the submission guidelines. Submit your paper ONLY in English. If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at

  • NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture

    Journal title NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture
    Initials NOTION
    Abbreviation NOTION j. Linguistics Literature Culture
    Frequency May and November
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    Online ISSN 2655-5905
    Editor-in-Chief Ajar Pradika Ananta Tur | SCOPUS ID: 58341182600
    Managing Editor Krisna Sujiwa (Technical Issues)
    Publisher Sastra Inggris, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan supported by ESAI
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | EBSCOSINTA 2 (Vol. 4(2), 2022 - Vol. 9(1), 2027)

                                                                                                                  Web Analytics Made Easy - Statcounter View My Stats

    NOTION: The Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture is a blind-peer-reviewed, high-quality research paper publication. It is a multidisciplined journal published twice yearly by Sastra Inggris, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, at the end of May and November with the E-ISSN number 2655-5905. Through the perspective of Linguistics and Literature, the ultimate goal of the journal is to foster an awareness and a critical understanding of cultural issues in multilingual contexts. Every manuscript submitted to the journal must be written in English.


  • Journal of Agri-Food Science and Technology

    Journal title Journal of Agri-Food Science and Technology (JAFoST)
    Initials JAFOST
    Abbreviation J. Agri. Food. Sci. Tech
    Frequency 4 issues per year | March, June, September, December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by 



    Editor-in-chief Prof. Takuya Sugahara
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | Sinta


    Journal of Agri-food Science and Technology (JAFOST) is a peer-review journal that the Food Technology Department officially publishes, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan ( As a scientific journal, JAFOST publishes research and scientific studies related to the development of chemical/biochemical science, engineering, processing technology, biotechnology, and the food industry. The advantages of this journal can be accessed by students, researchers, academics, and practitioners. Authors are required to register in advance and upload the manuscript online. The process of the document could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the manuscript's real-time status. JAFOST publishes four times a year i. e. March, June, September, and December.
  • Mobile and Forensics

    Mobile and Forensics (MF), ISSN: 2656-6257 E-ISSN:2714-6685 ,is a international peer-reviewed open access journal organized by the Department of Magister Informatika, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in March and September. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of Mobile Technology and Digital Forensics. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author in English which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. All publications are available in full text and are free to download.

    Mobile and Forensics

    Open Access

    Publisher:Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD)
    ISSN: 2656-6257 E-ISSN:2714-6685
    Subject area:

    Computer Science: Cybersecurity and Computer forensics

    Computer Science: Computer Networks and Communications

    Computer Science: Artificial intelligence

    Computer Science: Image Processing & computer vision

    Computer Science: Internet of Things

    Computer Science: Computer Science (miscellaneous)

    Engineering: Software Engineering

    Engineering: Electronics Engineering


    Mobile Forensics has been cited by SCOPUS Journal (Need Login)

    • Emerging Science Journal (Q1)

    • Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health (Q2)

    • Journal of Robotics and Control (Q3)

    • Applied Computer Science (Q3)

    • European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Q3)

    • International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems (Q3)

    • International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (Q3)

    • International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering (Q3)

    • Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Q4)

    • Journal of Applied Data Sciences

    • AIP Conference Proceedings

    • ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

    • International Conference on Engineering, Science and Advanced Technology, ICESAT

    • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, ICAIIC

    • International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, ICORIS

    • International Conference on Science in Information Technology, ICSITech

    • International Jordanian Cybersecurity Conference, IJCC

  • IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities)

    Journal title International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities
    Initials IJISH
    Abbreviation Int. J. Islam. Stud. Humanit.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | April - Octoberr
    DOI Prefix 10.26555 by
    ISSN P-ISSN: 2614-3836 | E-ISSN: 2615-7403
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Yoyo, MA.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Scopus | Web of Science | Google Scholar | Moraref 

    IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities is a refereed journal by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in  April and October. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, research results, case studies, and book reviews related to Islamic Studies. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in English and Arabic), which have never been published or are under consideration for publication in any other journal. Contributions can be submitted in any of the following forms: articles (should be approximately 6000 words long; however, both shorter and longer manuscripts will be considered). Submission of the journal should typically follow the IJISH template.
  • Journal on Biology and Instruction

    Journal title Journal on Biology and Instruction
    Initials JouBIns
    Abbreviation J. Biol. Instr.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June - December
    DOI Prefix 10.26555/joubins
    ISSN 2798-0863 (online) 
    Editor-in-chief Destri Ratna Ma'rifah
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions

    Journal on Biology and Instruction with registered ISSN 2978-0863, managed by Biology Education of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The purpose of this journal is to share knowledge about biology and its teaching to academics.
    This journal focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of Biology and Biology Education. The scope of this journal includes the development of biology teaching materials, development of learning technology in biology learning, exploration of natural potential as a source of learning biology, biodiversity, environmental biology, biotechnology.

    This journal published two issues per year in June and December.

    Before submitting, you have to make sure that your paper has been prepared using JouBIns's paper template. In addition, it has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the author's guidelines.

  • Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit

    Journal title Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit
    Initials J. REKSA
    Abbreviation J. Rekay. Keu. Syar. Aud.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | March and September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by

    2089-6581 (print) | 2614-3720 (online)

    Editor-in-chief Sartini Wardiwiyono, S.E., M.S.Acc., Ph.D., Ak., CA
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis

    Sinta 2 | DOAJ | Google Scholar | Dimensions | BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine | Crossref | Garuda 

    Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah, dan Audit is a journal which is published by Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah, dan Audit publishes manuscript articles twice a year (March and September), containing articles in financial accounting, sharia accounting, finance, management and accounting information system, auditing, behavioral accounting, management accounting, taxation, corporate governance, accounting education, public sector accounting, environment accounting, sustainability, accounting for entrepreneurship, and business ethics with reference to scientific research standards and procedures established by the editorial board for publication. Manuscript articles can come from researchers, academicians, practitioners, lecturers, students, and other accounting observers who are interested in research in the field of accounting.

  • Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking

    Journal title Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economic, Finance dan Banking
    Initials Ihtifaz
    Abbreviation Ihtifaz: J.Islam . Econ. Finan. Bank.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June - December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN P-ISSN: 2622-4755| E-ISSN: 2622-4798

    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI)
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Sinta | Scopus | Dimensions

    Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking is a journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, twice a year (June and December). As the name implies, this journal brings two major themes, namely Islamic Finance and Islamic Banking. The journal invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to submit articles to the management team. Articles submitted will be published after being verified and modified to suit the standard international journals. Ihtifaz limited only publish articles related to two major themes that have been mentioned. First, Islamic finance includes all submissions related to Islamic finance only.

    Specifically is divided into two, namely Islamic monetary and microfinance. Islamic monetary can be broken down into a variety of examples of topics such as Islamic monetary system, sharia capital markets, ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah and Waqf), dinar and so forth. Subsequently, submissions related to sharia microfinance can be illustrated in a variety of topics related to sharia microfinance institutions; the cooperative sharia and Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT). The the second major theme is the Islamic Banking. The study of Islamic banking include all submissions related to Islamic banking, be it management, marketing, accounting, product, systems, and others. Specifically theme Islamic banking translated into various examples such as the role of Islamic bank in macroeconomics, funding of Islamic banks, Islamic banks products, systems technology, entrepreneurship program of Islamic banks, and so on.

    Besides limited to two major themes above, this articles prioritizes posts that have a value interesting discussion. The attractiveness of the indicators measured of content writing that contains IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Reseach, and Discuss). The articles does not classify the types of journals whether qualitative or quantitative, as long as the text does not contain plagiarism and we do not receive article has been publishing in other journals before. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by minimum two international reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the qualityof the published manuscripts in the journal. 

    Finally, since October 12, 2019, the journal has been ACCREDITED by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The Ihtifaz also has been ACCEPTED for inclusion in the DOAJ database since April 17, 2019.

    Ihtifaz: Journal of Economics, Finance, and Islamic Banking published by the Department of Islamic Banking, Ahmad Dahlan University. Ihtifaz publishes information on Islamic economics, finance, and cakes mainly focusing on major issues in the development of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking fields. This includes:

    • Islamic economics

    • Islamic finance

    • Islamic banking

    • Islamic microfinance

    • Islamic insurance

    • Islamic Agricultural fields

    • Halal industry

    • Zakah, waqf, Islamic social finance, and poverty alleviation

    • Islamic law and sharia issues in economics and finance

    • Securitization and sukuk

    • Islamic capital markets

    • Macroprudential Regulation

    • Other topics related to this area

  • Indonesian Review of Physics

    Journal title : Indonesian Review of Physics cover
    Initials : IRiP
    Abbreviation : Indones. Rev. Phys.
    Scope : see Scope
    Business Model : Open Access & Author-Pays
    Frequency : 2 issues per year | June and December
    DOI : Prefix 10.12928/irip
    Type of Review : Double Blind Review
    eISSN : 2621-2889
    License : CC-BY-SA
    Editor-in-chief : Fatin Aliah Phang
    Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with AGFI
    Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Sinta | Scopus
    Metrics : Authors Diversity | Visitors Statistics
    Digital Marketing : Direct Email | Instagram | Website
    Sponsorships : see Sponsor

    Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in June and December. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of Physics for Technology-Based Education, Health Physics, Materials Physics, Astrophysics, Physics for Disaster, and Computational Physics. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in English) which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. Submission the journal should normally follow the IRiP template.

  • Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis

    Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis

    Journal Title Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis
    Initials Fokus
    Abbreviation J. Fokus Manaj. Bisnis.
    Frequency Two Issues per Year (March and September)
    DOI prefix 10.12928
    ISSN p-ISSN: 2088-4079 | e-ISSN: 2716-0521
    Editor-in-Chief Muhammad Ali Fikri (Scopus | Sinta | Scholar)
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Indexing SintaGoogle ScholarGaruda | Dimensions

    Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (March and September) by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting management research results. Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis invites manuscripts on various topics, including, but not limited to, functional areas of :

    1. Marketing Management

    2. Financial Management and Banking

    3. Human Resource Management

    4. Operations Management

    5. Strategic Management

    6. Knowledge Management

    7. Business, Innovation, Economy

    8. Entrepreneurship

    9. Syariah Management

    Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis is accredited by Sinta Grade 2 under the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology number 10/C/C3/DT.05.00/2025.


  • Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Journal title Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
    Initials JPM UAD
    Abbreviation J. Pemberdaya. Publ. Has. Pengabdi. Kpd. Masy
    Frequency 6 issues per year | February-April-June- August-October-December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928/JPM
    ISSN E-ISSN: 2656-0542
    P-ISSN: 2580-2569
    Editor-in-chief Anton Yudhana
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Sinta

    Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, with registered number ISSN 2580-2569 (print) and 2656-0542 (Online), is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Directorate of Community Services Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). It is at the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.

    Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, contains various activities of the teaching staff in UAD in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges, and problems that exist in society. Implementation of service activities also involves the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.

    Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will be REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.

  • Al-Misbah (Jurnal Islamic Studies)

    Journal title Al-Misbah (Jurnal Islamic Studies)
    Initials Al-Misbah
    Abbreviation Al-misbah (Jurnal Stud. Islam).
    Frequency  2 issues per year | April-October
    DOI Prefix 10.26555 by 
    ISSN P-ISSN: 2337-5264 | E-ISSN: 2656-0984
    Editor-in-chief Zalik Nuryana, Ph.D.
    Managing Editor Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana 
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | Scopus | Dimensions

    Al-Misbah is the leading referenced journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Department of Islamic Education. This is a semi-annual journal published in April and October. The main aim of this publication is to create a platform for publishing reviews, original articles, research results, and case studies related to the field of Islamic Education in the Indonesian context that valuable to the worldwide academic communities. The topic of this journal is Theories of Islamic Education, Modern education in Islam, and contemporary issues in Islamic education, both in terms of teaching and learning in the Indonesian context, but editors may consider accepting articles from other countries with interesting discussion contexts related to Islamic Education.

    A manuscript submitted is evaluated through Initial Review by Editorial Editor in Chief/Managing Editor. If the article matches the journal requirements in terms of the scope, originality, novelty sufficiency of experimental data, and format, at least 2 (two) peer reviewers are assigned to review the manuscript with the Double-Blind Peer Review Process. After the review process is finished, the assigned editor makes the decision for the article. If the article needs revision, the manuscript is returned to the authors to revise. After that, the Editor in Chief makes the final decision (accepted or rejected). In each manuscript reviewed, peer reviewers will be rated based on the substantial and technical aspects.

    Before submission,
    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Al-Misbah Template and Carefully read the Author Guidelines. Starting 2021, Submit your paper ONLY in English If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at:

    Al-Misbah Journal Call For Paper for 2023

    Forthcoming publication schedules that are still open for submission is Vol 11. No. 1 and 2, Publish in April (Deadline February) and October (Deadline August) 2023, and Other forthcoming issues.


  • English Language Teaching Educational Journal

    Journal title English Language Teaching Educational Journal
    Initials ELTEJ
    Abbreviation English Lang. Teach. Educ. J.
    Frequency 3 issues per year | April- August- December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928/eltej by
    ISSN E-ISSN: 2621-6485
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Dat Bao
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Sinta | Dimension

    English Language Teaching Educational Journal (ELTEJ) is an English Educational journal published quarterly in April, August, and December. The ELTEJ aims to provide an international forum for educators, researchers, professionals to share their ideas on all topics related to English language teaching and learning, Engish literature in ELT, and linguistics. It publishes its issues in an online version with e-ISSN 2621-6485 in collaboration with Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Se-Indonesia (APSPBI).


    The manuscript must be original research, written in English, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two international reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

    English Language Teaching Educational Journal (ELTEJ) maintains high standards of personal conduct, practicing honesty in all our professional practices and endeavors. We are truthful in our research, actions and words. Let our decisions and deeds be based on the greater good of the broader academic community and not personal advantage.

    All data for research articles must conform with with the regulations of authors’ universities/institites and that must have obtained the permission from relevant institutes when collecting data. Your ethic statement and/or letter of ethic approval are strictly required when you submit your manuscripts to the ELTEJ system.

    English Language Teaching Educational Journal is indexed by:


    ELTEJ has been cited by Scopus 309 times from 70 secondary documents. The citation coming from Scopus conferences and journals such as ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, MDPI Sustainability (Q1), Learning Disability Quaterly (Q1), MDPI Symmetry (Q2), INternational Journal of Instruction (Q2), MDPI Education Sciences (Q2), Taylor and Francis Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education (Q2), CALL EJ (Q2).

    Scopus References Search Keywords: 

     "Eng. Lang. Teach. Educ. J" OR "English Language Teaching Educational Journal" OR "Engl. Lang. Teach. Educ. J"


  • Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)

    Journal title Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)
    Initials FunDaDikDas
    Abbreviation J. Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidik. Dasar)
    Frequency Three issues per year (March, July and November)
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    Online ISSN 2614-1620
    Editor-in-chief Asih Mardati, M.Pd
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | DOAJ | Garuda | Sinta

    Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of elementary education. This journal is founded and published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan three times a year (March, July, and November). All submitted papers must be written in English and will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

    Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar) is a scientific research publication issued by the Elementary Education Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It aims to create a media of information, communication and discussion forums for Elementary school education, teaching, and learning. The scope of the journal focuses on original research papers on:

    • Instruction of primary education (natural science, social science, mathematics, language, civics, religion, physical education, and art),

    • The curriculum of primary education,

    • Management of primary education,

    • Guidance and counseling of primary education,

    • Elementary education psychology, and

    • Elementary school teacher education

    Scopus References Search Keywords:

    "J. Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidik. Dasar)" OR "Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)"


  • Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education

    Journal title JECCE (Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education)
    Initial JECCE
    Abbreviation J. Early Child. Care. Educ.
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI Prefix 10.26555
    Online ISSN 2615-1413
    Editor-in-chief Prima Suci Rohmadheny
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | SINTA

    JECCE (Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education) is a scientific journal organized by PG PAUD Universitas Ahmad Dahlan that publishing research articles. JECCE is published in electronic form. We receive scientific articles from scholars, lecturers, students, practitioners, and other professionals with relevant focus and scope. JECCE's publisher is Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

    JECCE aims to bring research work in the area of early childhood care and education. It's a peer-reviewed journal which receive article written in the Indonesian and English and will be published in English. Review process using Double-Blind Peer Review Process.

  • Journal of Vocational Education Studies

    Journal title Journal of Vocational Education Studies
    Initials JOVES
    Frequency 2 issues per year (May and November)
    DOI 10.12928/joves
    Print ISSN 2614-7483
    Online ISSN 2614-7475
    Business Model University
    License CC-BY-SA
    Editor-in-chief Balamuralithara Balakrishnan
    Accreditation (Indonesia) SINTA 2
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

    Journal of Vocational Education Studies (JOVES)
     is a research journal of a work or idea of a scientific author through a process of examination by other experts in the field. This journal is organized by the Master of Vocational Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta either in print or online. JOVES is available in printed-out (ISSN 2614-7483) and electronic versions (ISSN 2614-7475). This journal aims to report quality research based on real and original data that contribute to teachers and researchers in the teaching and learning process of vocational education. The journal explores vocationalism in learning and efforts to address employability within the curriculum, together with coverage of innovative themes and initiatives within vocational education and training. The fields of science are Managing the transition from school/college to work; Education-Business partnerships and collaboration; Edupreneurship; Curriculum; Links between education and industry; The graduate labor market; Work experience and placements; The recruitment, induction, and development of school leavers and graduates; Young person employability and career development; Vocational education in culinary, automotive, and electronic; Vocational behavior; Teaching and learning practice in a vocational school.

    Journal of Vocational Education Studies (JOVES) accepts articles in English. JOVES is published twice a year, in May and November.

    We are pleased to invite you to submit your own work through online system submission (read the JOVES' online submission guidelines). The manuscript must be following this JOVES' author guidelines and JOVES' template.

  • International Journal of Healthcare Research

    Journal title International Journal of Healthcare Research
    Initials IJHR
    Abbreviation Int. J. Health. Res.
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June and December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928/ijhr 
    ISSN 2620-5521 (print) | 2620-5580 (online)
    Editor-in-chief Muhammad Syamsu Hidayat
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | OAI IJHR 

    The Journal invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The area of research focuses on particular issues related to public health, health economic, health policy, healthcare quality, health insurance, hospital management, health system and other issues related with healthcare management and policy.

  • Journal of Food and Culinary

    Judul Jurnal Journal of Food and Culinary
    Inisial JFC
    Abbreviation J. Food Culinary
    Terbitan 2 terbitan per tahun | Juni - Desember
    DOI Prefix 10.12928

    P-ISSN: 2621-8437 | E-ISSN: 2621-8445

    Editor-in-chief Yunda Maymanah Rahmadewi, S.T.P., M.Sc.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis SCOPUS | Web of Science | Google Scholar | Moraref

    Journal of Food and Culinary (JFC) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published twice in a year (June and December). The JFC focuses on the publication in food service industry and management. It publishes its issues in an online (e-ISSN 2621-8445) and a printed (p-ISSN 2621-8437) version.

    Before Submission
    Author has to make sure that the manuscript has been prepared using the JFC's template. The manuscript should also have been carefully proofread. Any manuscript which does not meet the author guidelines, written in a different format, or has poor soundness of Indonesian or English, will be immediately rejected. Only manuscript which meets the JFC format will be processed further.

    Online Submissions
    1. Already have a Username/Password for Journal of Food and Culinary? GO TO LOGIN 
    2. Need a Username/Password? GO TO REGISTRATION

    Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

  • SPEKTA (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Teknologi dan Aplikasi)

    Journal Title SPEKTA (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Teknologi dan Aplikasi)
    ISSN 2723-8008 (printed)2723-8016 (online)
    DOI Prefix Prefix 10.12928 
    Editor in Chief Hayati Mukti Asih
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan In collaboration with BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri)
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar |Dimensions | ICI Copernicus |  SINTA 2| Scopus

    SPEKTA (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Teknologi dan Aplikasi) translated SPEKTA (Journal of Community Service: Technology and Applications) with registration number ISSN 2723-8008 (print) and ISSN 2723-8016 (online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Ahmad Dahlan University. This journal is a journal that covers issues regarding the application of technology applications in society. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of service to the community.

    SPEKTA (Journal of Community Service: Technology and Applications) has been published since June 2020, to be precise since the release of Volume 1, Number 1, 2020. SPEKTA (Journal of Community Service: Technology and Applications) as a main focus on developing the sciences in dedication to Public. Detailed scopes of articles accepted for submission to SPEKTA are Applied Technology, Product Design and Development, Technopreneur, Technology Applications, and Educational Technology, Information Technology and Information Systems.

    Every submitted manuscript will be read by the editorial team. Manuscripts that are evaluated by the editor and if deemed not in accordance with the journal's criteria will be rejected without external review. Manuscripts that we consider potentially interesting to readers are sent to peer reviewers. After reviewing the manuscript by a reviewer, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision. The editorial team makes decisions based on the reviewers recommendations. SPEKTA (Journal of Community Service: Technology and Applications) is published 2 times in 1 year, namely June and December. SPEKTA (Journal of Community Service: Technology and Applications) is published 2 times in 1 year, namely June and December.

  • Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam

    Journal title Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam
    Initials Insyirah
    Abbreviation Insyirah
    Frequency 2 issues per year | June-December
    DOI Prefix 10.26555 
    ISSN P-ISSN: 2338-5367 | E-ISSN: 2774-437X
    Editor-in-chief Fitria Sari Yunianti
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Sinta | Google Scholar | Dimensions | Moraref

    Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam (Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in June and December. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies related to the field of Islamic Studies. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic) which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. Contributions can be submitted in any of the following forms: articles (should be approximately 6000 words long; however, both shorter and longer manuscripts will be considered. The submission of the journal should normally follow the Insyirah template.
  • Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan

    Journal title Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
    Initials JKPL
    Abbreviation JKPL
    Frequency 2 issues per year | (January, July)
    DOI Prefix by
    ISSN P-ISSN: 2722-2292 | E-ISSN:  2722-2306
    Editor-in-chief Surahma Asti Mulasari
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis SCOPUS | Web of Science | Google Scholar

    Journal of Environmental Health and Management (JKPL) with ISSN: 2722-2292 (print media) and/or e-ISSN: 2722-2306 published by Ahmad Dahlan University. The Journal of Environmental Health and Management (JKPL) presents scientific articles on research results in the fields of environmental health, environmental management, environmental pollution, and its sustainable management, both from physical, chemical, biological, socio-economic, socio-cultural, public health, environmental health, and environmental law parameters. JKPL is an open-access journal and is peer-reviewed by reviewers. Manuscripts will be published twice in publication (January and July). This journal accepts articles in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their findings and insights, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field. By promoting high-quality research, JKPL seeks to contribute to the advancement of environmental health and management practices globally.

    Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan

  • Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes

    Journal title Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes
    Initials JCP
    Abbreviation J. Cakrawala Promkes
    Frequency 2 issues per year | February and August
    DOI Prefix 10.12928 by  Crossref
    ISSN 2654-9980 (print) | 2656-0534 (online) 
    Editor-in-chief Nurul Kodriati., M.Med.Sc., PhD
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | DOAJ

    Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes (JCP) is an open-access journal that is a peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary forum for the publication of those research aimed at understanding the implication and approaches to health promotion and public health. JCP includes research in the social determinants of health, health education, community empowerment, health communication, health sociology, social psychology, anthropology medicine, and health promotion programs in various settings.

    JCP welcomes quantitative or qualitative studies in the field of health promotion and education studies that reflect professionals' experiences worldwide. Editors invite research lecturers, reviewers, and practitioners to contribute to Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes. The language used is Indonesian or English. JCP refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Published by Health Promotion Section, Department of Public Health. It is a semi-annual journal published in  February and August.

  • Periodicals of Occupational Safety and Health

    Journal title

    Periodicals of Occupational Safety and Health

    Initials POSH
    Abbreviation Periodicals OSH
    Frequency 2 issues per year | March and September
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN 2962-584X
    Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. dr. Adi Heru Sutomo, M.Sc.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Sinta

    POSH (Periodicals of Occupational Safety and Health) is a journal publishes research results and literature reviews related to the field of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) or Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3), with a fairly broad sub-field coverage. The aspects of occupational safety and health which includes the sub-themes of safety, health, security, and comfort in various fields of work, becomes a comprehensive discussion. Risk issues related to OSH in various industrial sectors (goods and services) are examined in sections that become specific and specialist, as scientific findings that contribute to the development of Science, Technology, and Arts (IPTEKS), particularly in the field of OSH which is growing so fast. The scientific contributions presented in POSH will continue to develop as the industrial sector develops..

    Before submission,
    You should ensure that your paper is prepared using the Periodicals of Occupational Safety and Health Template and read the submission guidelines carefully. If you have any problems with the journal, please contact us at

  • Journal of Islamic Education and Innovation

    Journal Title Journal of Islamic Education and Innovation (JIEI)  
    Abbreviation J. Islam. Educ. Innov.
    Frequency    2 issues per year | January-June and July-December
    DOI Prefix 10.12928
    ISSN 2746-9999 (printed) | 2775-5665 (online)
    Editor-in-Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Wantini
    Managing Editor Assist. Prof. Dr. Djamaluddin Perawironegoro
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Journal of Islamic Education and Innovation (JIEI) is a scientific journal managed by Magister Program of Islamic Education and published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. The journal's focuses and scopes are Islamic education and innovation, teaching and learning of Islamic education, Educational management and administration, Psychology of Islamic Education, and Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Education. We invite professional writers, researchers, teachers, and lecturers to publish the research paper, technical paper, conceptual paper, case study, and literature review in this journal. This journal is published in January-June and July-December annually. 


    Before submission,

    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the JIEI TEMPLATE and Carefully read the submission guidelines. Submit your paper in Bahasa, Arabic, or English. If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at

  • Epidemiology and Society Health Review (ESHR)

    Journal title Epidemiology and Society Health Review (ESHR)
    Initials ESHR
    Abbreviation Epidemiol. Soc. Heal. Rev.
    Frequency Two issues per year (January and July)
    DOI Prefix 10.26555
    Online ISSN 2656-6052
    Print ISSN 2656-1107
    Editor-in-chief Prof. Sulistyawati, Ph.D.
    Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    Citation Analysis Sinta 4 | Garuda | Google Scholar | Dimensions | Index CopernicusEBSCO | DOAJ

    Epidemiology and Society Health Review (ESHR) is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (January and July) and managed by the Epidemiology Section, School of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This journal publisher is Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.


    Epidemiology and Society Health Review (ESHR) draws its contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers at the interface of epidemiology and public health. The scope is wide-ranging: including descriptive, analytical, and molecular epidemiology; primary preventive measures; screening approaches and secondary prevention; clinical epidemiology; and all aspects of communicable and non-communicable diseases prevention.


    The journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to epidemiology and public health. It encourages debate and cross-disciplinary exchange across a broad range of approaches.


    The Epidemiology and Society Health Review (ESHR) publishes original research and also welcomes review articles and meta-analyses, cohort profiles and data profiles, epidemic and case investigations, descriptions and applications of new methods, and discussions of research theory or public health policy. We give special consideration to papers from developing countries. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.
  • Journal on Intelligent Systems Engineering and Applied Data Science

    The Journal of Intelligent Systems Engineering and Applied Data Science (JISEADS) is an open access, international, single-blind, peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary journal that covers the most recent advances in the closely related fields of intelligent systems engineering and applied data science. This journal publishes review and research on new and useful technologies for designing and building intelligent systems in a variety of fields, such as electrical and electronic engineering, intelligent computing, network engineering, industrial engineering and systems, bioengineering, renewable energy, medical robotics, services, agriculture, medical robots, robotic rehabilitation, industrial manufacturing, image processing, data integration, data information, knowledge extraction, and data applications. JISEADS covers the entire process of intelligent systems engineering and applied data science, integrating data with electrical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, and other relevant techniques. The audience consists of lecturers, researchers, managers, and operators in intelligent systems engineering and applied data science, as well as designers and developers.

  • High-tech and Innovative Series

    The High-Tech and Innovative Series is a semi-annual peer-reviewed open-access book chapter series dedicated to emerging technologies and innovations. Emerging technology and innovation trends shape industries, businesses, and society by influencing interactions, work, and lifestyle. Staying compeatitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape necessitates staying current on these trends, making informed decisions about adopting new tools, and capitalizing on growth opportunities.

    Technology is constantly evolving, enabling faster change and progress. Engineers and IT professionals must stay current with emerging technologies and trends to secure high-paying jobs around the world. The top emerging technology trends include AI-generated content, quantum computing, 5G expansion, virtual reality 2.0, augmented reality in retail, IoT in smart cities, biotechnology in agriculture, autonomous vehicles, blockchain beyond crypto, edge computing, personalized medicine, neuromorphic computing, and green energy technologies. AI-generated content uses algorithms to generate high-quality content, while quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to process information faster. 5G expansion enables real-time communication and processing of large amounts of data with minimal delay, supporting a new wave of technological innovation. AR in retail visualizes products in real-world contexts, while IoT in smart cities manages complexities and improves living conditions. Blockchain Beyond Crypto provides transparency, enhances security, and reduces fraud. These advancements are transforming industries, enhancing learning outcomes, reducing training costs, and promoting sustainability. The development of these technologies is crucial for enhancing the quality of life and ensuring the safety of individuals and the environment.

  • Buku Seri Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika

    Buku Seri Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika menerbitkan buku berseri dengan tema tertentu pada lingkup bidang teknik elektro, komputer dan informatika.