Changes to the Article Processing Charge (APC)
APC IDR 750,000.00 is valid for the issue of Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2023
Read more about Changes to the Article Processing Charge (APC)
Journal title | Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP) | |
Initials | IRiP | |
Abbreviation | Indones. Rev. Phys. | |
Frequency | 2 issues per year | June and December | |
DOI | Prefix 10.12928 by |
ISSN | E-ISSN: 2621-2889 | |
Editor-in-chief | Fatin Aliah Phang | |
Publisher | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with AGFI | |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Sinta | Scopus |
IRiP (Indonesian Review of Physics) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in June and December. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of Physics, Physics Education, Instrumentation, Earth and Space Science, and Computational Physics. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in English) which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. Submission the journal should normally follow the IRiP template.
APC IDR 750,000.00 is valid for the issue of Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2023
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Before Submission
The author has to make sure that the manuscript has been prepared using IRiP's template following the author's guidelines and not a single author. The single author's paper is just for the invited author or the author with a great reputation for research or publication in physics or physics education. The manuscript should also have been carefully proofread and similarity checked (the proofreading certificate and similarity check result must be attached as a supplementary file in the submission process). Any manuscript which does not meet the author's guidelines, focus and scope, written in a different format, or has poor soundness of English, will be immediately rejected. The only manuscript which meets the IRiP standard will be processed further.
OAI Address
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Indonesian Review of Physics
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