Physicochemical Properties of Klutuk banana Leaves (Musa balbisiana Colla) Susu and Wulung Cultivars with its Potential as Antioxidant


  • Safinta Nurindra Rahmadhia Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Titisari Juwitaningtyas Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Klutuk banana leaf, Antioxidant, Traditional package


Banana leaf is mostly used as food packaging materials. The most often used leaf of banana trees is from Klutuk banana. Its leaf is the broadest and most durable among other banana leaf cultivars. However, the research of potential use of Klutuk banana leaf has not much done. In this research, the physical and chemical properties of Klutuk banana leaves will be observed from the very top to the bottom of the tree. Physical properties explored from Klutuk banana leaves are tensile strength, elongation, thickness, and color of the leaf. The leaf then will be extracted using methanol so that its antioxidant properties can be known. The leaf from the third petiole of Klutuk banana susu and wulung cultivars, has the best physical properties, i.e., mechanical, color, and antioxidant activity properties, and is best to use as food packaging material. The most significant activity of antioxidant is found from the first shoot of Klutuk banana susu and wulung leaf cultivars.


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