Texture Profile Analysis of Lamtoro Gung (Leucaena leucocephala ssp. Glabrata (Rose) S. Zarate) Tempeh


  • Aprilia Fitriani Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
  • Miftah Nur Haliza Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
  • Nurul Putrie Utami Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
  • Isabella Nyambayo Wrexham University, United Kingdom
  • Sanaz Sanayei Islamic Azad University, Iran
  • Safinta Nurindra Rahmadhia Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia




Lamtoro Gung, Tempeh, Texture profile


Lamtoro Gung seeds are low in fat but abundant in protein. Lamtoro Gung is often used as an alternative protein source. Lamtoro Gung is often taken as a prepared meal containing grains and nuts. Lamtoro Gung is germinated and utilized in a variety of dishes, including tempeh making. However, no has been done to explain the textural profile of Lamtoro Gung tempeh, which is made by fermentation processes in various packaging materials such as plastic, banana leaves, and teak leaves. The aim of this study is to evaluate the textural characteristics of Lamtoro Gung tempeh produced using different packaging materials and fermentation periods. This study contributes to an understanding of how packaging variations affect the texture of Lamtoro Gung tempeh. Tempeh made from teak leaf packaging and fermented for four days offered better texture profile hardness (195.38 N), cohesiveness (0.46), gumminess (81.57 N), and chewiness (54.99 N) higher than banana leaves; hardness (49.90 N), cohesiveness (0.29), gumminess (14.52 N), and chewiness (10.14 N) but similar to plastic; hardness (165.28 N), cohesiveness (0.45), gumminess (74.23 N), and chewiness (50.35 N).Therefore, packaging material has an impact on texture profile of tempeh fermented from Lamtoro Gung seeds. Sensory evaluation of the tempeh would need to be investigated to check consumer acceptance of the product.


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