A corpus-based cognitive analysis of metaphors of gender issues in national media
Conceptual metaphors, Corpus, Gender issues, National mediaAbstract
The identification of conceptual metaphors of gender issues in the national media using corpus linguistic analysis has constructed a discourse based on the correlation between experience and linguistic feature phenomena. This research identifies and reveals three conceptual metaphors based on word frequency, collocation, and concordance. A combined method with an explanatory sequential design was used by collecting Koran Sindo news in 2022–2023 that represented gender issues; there were 210 news articles with 71,920 words. Data collection techniques are documentation, listening, and note-taking using data analysis in AntConc and interactive models. The results of this study are as follows: first, the highest frequency of words is significantly found in the words 'korban' and 'perempuan.' Secondly, collocations have a contradictory tendency to present gender issues. Third, concordance produces identifying forms of conceptual metaphors, such as: a) 4 structural metaphors, conceptually meaning sexual coercion, rape, provider power, and necessity; b) 2 orientational metaphors have conceptual meanings, such as urgency and period; c) 3 ontological metaphors with conceptual meanings include deterioration, qualification, and capacity. This research contributes to exploring cognitive semantic prosody through the phenomenon of lexical and linguistic features.
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