Conceptions of Learning and Teaching and Their Relation to Educational Variables During Teaching Second Language


  • Tim Chen Ton Duc Thang University
  • Robert C. Crosbie Technische Universität Dresden
  • Azita Anandkumarb University of Bath
  • Charles Melville University of Bath
  • N Nguyen Hanoi Cultural University
  • J Chen University of Maryland



Emotion, Languages, Tutorials, Social implications


Background:  People who choose to study a second language like English face an emotional charge that affects directly to the learning process. Regarding the writing production, learners create short compositions about specific topics with instructions based on grammatical structures. Once it is done, learners receive feedback on their work. However, some learners do not want to write any text because the teacher puts more attention to their mistakes rather than their successes. Without taking into account their needs, topics of interest or motivation for carrying out the exercise

Contribution:  Therefore, it is set to identify the emotions that are generated by the corrections made to our learners’ written work.

Method:  The research was carried on with university students aged between 18 and 25 years old who are attending classes at the center of university language classroom. This research during the April- August 2016 term.

Results: It has been found that the emotions (positive and negative) play an important role or have a great impact that causes aversion towards language learning. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers provide adequate feedback for language learning.

Conclusion:  Corrections generate aversion towards the learning process. Regarding the feedback students receive from their teachers, it generates emotional charge (positive and negative) which should be followed

Author Biographies

Tim Chen, Ton Duc Thang University

Faculty of Information Technology

Robert C. Crosbie , Technische Universität Dresden

Faculty of Mathematics

Azita Anandkumarb , University of Bath

Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Charles Melville , University of Bath

Department Electrical & Electronic Engineering

J Chen, University of Maryland

Department of Artificial Intelligence


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How to Cite

Chen, T., C. Crosbie , R. ., Anandkumarb , A., Melville , C. ., Nguyen, N., & Chen, J. (2022). Conceptions of Learning and Teaching and Their Relation to Educational Variables During Teaching Second Language. SPEKTA (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Teknologi Dan Aplikasi), 3(1), 1–12.



Information Technology and Information Systems