Pandalungan Consumers Decision Making on Purchasing Culinary Product: An Experimental Study on Price, Halal and Eco-Friendly Label


  • Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum Universitas Jember
  • Kartika Universitas Jember
  • Dita Ayu Annafis Universitas Jember



Consumer Decision Making, Purchasing Product, Culinary


This study aims to analyze the considerations of consumers with Pandalungan cultural backgrounds in buying culinary products, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has made people more selective in choosing healthy and affordable culinary products. Halal and eco-friendly labels on any products are viewed as a guarantee of good quality. Based on the attribution theory, purchasing decisions are determined by several factors. By conducting a 2x2x2 factorial experiment (price, halal, and eco-friendly label) involving 304 participants from the Pandalungan community, this study found that price and halal label influence Pandalungan consumers in purchasing culinary products, whereas eco-friendly labels have no effect. Thus, this study shows that Pandalungan consumers should increase their awareness about eco-friendly products, not only products with halal labels and low prices. A significant contribution of this study lies in its ability to shed light on the pressing need for heightened eco-consciousness within the Pandalungan consumer base. While Halal certifications and competitive pricing continue to hold sway in their decision-making processes, the study underscores the imperative of expanding their awareness and consideration of eco-friendly products. Such a holistic perspective is not only vital in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic but also resonates with broader sustainability concerns and the evolving landscape of consumer preferences, offering valuable insights for both scholars and practitioners in the field of consumer behavior.


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