Author Guidelines
Author/s who wants to submit his/her article, please expected to consider the following rules:
General Requirements:
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format via OJS.
- The length of submitted paper is at least 3.000 - 7.000 words. The editor will consider if the article requires more than 7000 words.
- Articles written in A4 paper size, single-sided, with margin of 3 cm for left, right, top, and bottom.
- Each column is set justified. Use tables and images by adjusting the length of the column. On the last page of your article, set the length to the width to be equal. Use hyphens automatic spell checking (if available).
- The position of images and tables is at the beginning or end of the column. Avoid placing at the center of the column. The title picture is placed below the image by the mean position of the center; the table heading located above the tables by the mean position of the right and left (justify). Avoid placing images and tables before mentioned in the text.
- The article could be written in Indonesia or English.
- The authors should refer to the REKSA journal template for writing format and style. Please download and use it as a template for initial manuscript submission.
- The maximum similarity allowed is 25% based on iThenticate or Turnitin.
- The title is written brief, clear, and informative (a maximum of 12 words).
- The abstract is written in English which contains research objectives, research methods/approaches and results, and article contributions. The abstract is written in one paragraph, not more than 200 words.
- The introduction section covers the background to the research issue or problem, as well as the urgency and rationalization of the research. This section also describes the aims and contributions of the research.
- The literature review section contains a literature review that is used to support the research concept. The literature review is not limited to theory, but also empirical evidence. Research hypotheses (if any) must be built from theoretical concepts and supported by empirical studies (previous research).
- The research method section describes the research design, scope or object, main materials and tools, location, data collection techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and analysis techniques.
- The results and discussion section presents the research results. The results of the research can be supplemented with tables, graphs (pictures), and/or charts. The discussion section describes the results of data processing, interprets the findings logically, associates them with relevant reference sources.
- The conclusions section provides a brief summary of the research results and discussion, the limitations of the study, and suggestions for further research.
- Writing references and citations referred to in the manuscript is recommended to use a reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks, Endnote, and others. The articles use minimum 20 references, and minimum 80% publication from the last 5 years. Writing citations in the manuscript and bibliography follows the APA 7th rule.