Visual and Verbal Means to Attract our Clicks: Multimodality in Youtube Thumbnails


  • Shierlynda Winnindya Riyandi Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto



multimodality, editorial discourse, visual grammar


Pictures, color, tones, and motions have all been identified as modalities that help to create the meaning-making process. A multimodal message is made up as two or more modes work together to give meaning for the overall discourse. This article is to describe how the visual and verbal signs work together in constructing meaning in video thumbnails. This study is used as a descriptive research method. The data are thumbnails of the most-viewed videos in Close the Door podcast.  They were analyzed by employing Kress& van Leeuwen's Visual Grammar and Halliday’s Functional Grammar of language, especially ideational meaning of clause, transitivity. These are to explain the relationships between the images and the texts and elucidates the functions of images in meaning interpretation. Based on the analysis, all the thumbnails evoke a clear message video; they have no ambiguity and are in line with content of the video. Amongst 4 data, there are four types used; relational, mental, material, verbal with descriptive sentences by three data and one imperative.  In terms of MDA Visual, the videos have Lead, Display and Emblems as the relationships between the images and the functions of images in meaning interpretation.


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