The Influence of Family’s Support for Students English Learning Achievement at Elementary School Age


  • Arum Priadi Central China Normal University
  • Rafa Aly Nuha Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



family’s support, learning achievement, correlation


This research is carried out 1) to find out whether there is a positive and significant correlation between family’s support and students’ English learning achievement and 2) to find out whether there is a difference between students who get the support and students who do not get the support from family. This research belongs to correlational research with quantitative approach. It was held at SD Negeri Kaliwungu 05, Cilacap in academic year 2017/2018. The sample of this research is the fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaliwungu 05. The data collecting techniques of the research were questionnaire, documentation, and interview. Then in analyzing the data, the researchers used Product Moment Formula with computer application SPSS. The result findings show that : 1) family’s support (X) level is in “supported†level at SD Negeri Kaliwungu 05. 2) The level of students’ English learning achievement (Y) at fifth grade of SD Negeri Kaliwungu 05 is in “fair†level. 3) there is positive and significant correlation between family’s support and students’ English learning achievement of the fifth year students of SD Negeri Kaliwungu 05, Cilacap, shown by the coefficient correlation 0.508.


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How to Cite

Priadi, A., & Nuha, R. A. (2020). The Influence of Family’s Support for Students English Learning Achievement at Elementary School Age. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 2(2), 90–101.


