The implementation of Project-based Learning in higher education: Students and lecturers' perspectives


  • Dwi Riyanti Universitas Tanjungpura



higher education, project-based learning, 21st century skills


Project-based learning, which has been widely claimed to be helping students build skills needed in the 21st century, has been implemented in various teaching and learning contexts, including in higher education settings. This research was intended to explore how Project-based Learning (PBL) was implemented in a university setting from both students' and lecturers' perspectives in an Indonesian University. This qualitative research involved 17 students who participated in various projects while taking university courses and two lecturers who taught using PBL. The data were gathered from students' written reflections and lecturers' interviews. Teachers' semester plans were analyzed to triangulate the data. The obtained data were analyzed thematically based on emerging themes. The findings show that both students and lecturers consider PBL to be beneficial in strengthening the development of 21st century skills. In particular, the students consider PBL to offer them some benefits, such as improving their critical thinking skills, promoting creativity, fostering collaboration, and expanding their knowledge. Despite its usefulness, PBL has some constraints that are time-consuming and provoke tensions among group members as they have different ideas to work on the project. In contrast to the students' perspectives, the lecturers have slightly different views on PBL. The lecturers consider PBL as a good teaching approach, yet monitoring students' progress and assessing the product were two challenges, especially during the pandemic time.


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How to Cite

Riyanti, D. (2024). The implementation of Project-based Learning in higher education: Students and lecturers’ perspectives. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 6(3), 162–171.


