PAI Teacher's Creativity in Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Situations in Class X SMK Ma'arif Ponjong, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta


  • Diyah Mintasih Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Yogyakarta
  • Erwan Prasetyo STAI Yogyakarta


This research is motivated by the causes of students where they are more prone to experiencing boredom in learning, while Islamic religious learning materials now use the 2013 curriculum (K13) where students are required to be more active, but what happens is the opposite. This study aims to: (1) To find out the teacher's efforts in providing PAI lessons in class X SMK Ma'arif Ponjong, Gunungkidul Regency to increase their creativity. (2) To find out how PAI teachers improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education learning at Ma'arif Ponjong Vocational School. The subjects in this study were school principals, Islamic religious education teachers and several tenth grade students of SMK Ma'arif Ponjong. By using techniques with specific goals. This research is a qualitative field research with descriptive method. By outlining the data as it is then analyzed with benchmarks on the data by direct interview, observation and documentation methods. Teacher creativity in learning is very influential on student understanding, the more creative the teacher in learning, the easier it is for students to understand. So that students can understand the lessons of Islamic Religious Education explained by the teacher, the teacher needs to design learning in such a way with the creativity of the teacher in learning so that student learning outcomes can be good. PAI teacher creativity in improving the quality of learning, namely (1) teacher creativity in using methods, namely by applying varied and appropriate methods in learning. (2) Creative teachers in using various media and according to school subject matter. (3) The creativity of teachers in using learning resources, namely teachers utilizing existing learning resources in the school environment.





