Author Guidelines

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  • The submission stage
  • The paper should be submitted by the author via e-mail. The content of the article should not be submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • How to prepare a manuscript
  • There is no general limitation of the overall size nor of the number of figures, nor of the level of details considered to be necessary. However, the appropriate length of a manuscript depends on the information presented in the paper. A manuscript should consist of the following content.
  • Title
  • The title should be simple, concise and informative with only the first word capitalized. A shortened version of the title consisting of a maximum of 100 characters (including spaces) for running headers should also be provided.
  • Author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s)
  • A list of all authors, as well as corresponding addresses, and e-mail address should be provided. Each address should be preceded by a numerical superscript corresponding to the same superscript after the name of the author concerned. Addresses should contain all information necessary for an effective mail delivery. E-mail should also be provided to speed up communication between readers and authors. This information will be published unless authors request otherwise.
  • Abstract
  • An abstract should accompany each manuscript; it should be completely self-consistent (i.e., with no figure, table, equation or reference citations), not exceeding 250 words and written as a single paragraph.
  • Main body of the paper
  • The body of paper must range between 4000-10.000 words, written in MS word. It could be divided into sections. Sections should be bold. Subsections should be italic.
  • Whichever spelling you choose (British or American English) please be consistent throughout.
  • Use hyphens consistently and avoid unnecessary ones.
  • The words “section(s), equation(s), cœfigure(s), and cœreference(s), are abbreviated as cœsect(s)., “fig(s).”, “eq(s).” and “ref(s).” unless they are the first word of a sentence. The word “table” is always written in full.
  • Latin expressions, such as, e.g., i.e., et al., versus (vs.) should be set in italic.
  • All terms or titles in Arabic should be transliterated with following the Library of Congress guide. Name of person should not be transliterated.
  • Use of a tool such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose APA style