The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software in Education and Research: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Kusmiadi Kusmiadi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Didin Wahyudin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Artificial Intelligence, Software, Education, Systematic Literature Review


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has an important role to play in shaping the future of software development. AI responds to complex challenges in the information technology industry and expands the scope of future possibilities, which include increased automation, personalization, and security. The research aims to identify the role of AI in education and research from various aspects of software development, and evaluate the resulting implications for information technology as a whole. The research adopted the Systematic Literature Review Method following PRISMA guidelines. A total of 320 articles were collected from Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar and applying predefined criteria, 42 relevant articles were included for analysis. The research findings show that the role and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has a significant impact in improving efficiency, bringing software innovation in education, learning and research in the future. AI has proven effective in personalizing learning, adapting teaching materials and improving student learning outcomes. AI accelerates the process of analyzing big data, identifying patterns and trends that conventional methods may miss. The implications of the findings suggest that the integration of AI in education and research not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the process, but opens up new opportunities for innovation and development of more adaptive and data-driven learning and research methods. The challenges of AI in education and research include data privacy, potential bias in algorithms, and the need for adequate technological infrastructure to support effective and secure implementation, avoid inequality of access, and ensure accurate results.


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