Competence of Productive Teachers in Utilizing Learning Media Based on Information Communication Technology


  • Fandi Faisyal Fachri Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Muchlas Muchlas Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Budi Santosa Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Competency, Information Technology, Learning Media, Vocational High School


The ability of teachers to create learning media based on information communication technology (ICT) is still low, even though using ICT can eliminate shortages of practical equipment, facilities, and management. The research objectives are; analyze the competency level of productive vocational high school teachers in utilizing ICT-based learning media in the practical learning process and find teacher obstacles in creating ICT-based learning media. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. Research subject; productive teachers, school principals, and heads of administration. The research object is the use of ICT-based learning media. The research samples were productive teachers with superior expertise competencies in broadcasting and film, animation, and machining techniques. Research steps; identifying problems, limiting problems, determining problem focus, conducting research, processing data, and reporting. Research result; the average ability of productive teachers with superior expertise competencies in three vocational schools in utilizing ICT-based learning media at a good level, with details; 35.29% are at basic level, 47.06% are at intermediate level, and 17.65% are at advanced level. Productive teachers with competence in learning skills to create ICT-based learning media on time; lectures for 10 teachers, courses for 6 teachers, workshops for 14 teachers, training for 10 teachers, and independently for 3 teachers. The highest frequency of productive teachers learning to make learning media is through workshops. Utilization of learning media in practical learning; 100% of teachers use power point, 64.71% of teachers use animation, 23.53% of teachers use moodle, 5.88% of teachers use debian, 5.88% of teachers use ngix, and 5.88% of teachers use PHP. Barriers for teachers to create ICT-based learning media; lack of facilities 17.65%, lack of ICT mastery 17.65%, lack of time for creating media 31.18%, and 23.53% for other reasons.


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Maknun, J. (2022). The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) competence of vocational high school teacher. Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, 28(1), 63-75. DOI: 10.21831/jptk.v28i1.42624




