The Use of Neuroscience in the Design of Arabic Learning Material Development: Its Implications for Arabic Language Education
Arabic, learning, materials, neuroscienceAbstract
This study aims to analyze Arabic learning materials with a neuroscience approach, to facilitate students in learning mufrodat, quwaidul arobiyah, and muhadasah. In the preliminary study, the researcher interviewed directly with the students, that so far they have found it difficult to understand, memorize, and practice mufrodat and muhadasah. Researchers provide an alternative to students at school, namely the development of Arabic language material by using neuroscience. This research data is sourced through literature observations related to scientific journal descriptions as well as scrutiny of research results references, both manually and digitally which focus on analyzing the development of Arabic learning materials by utilizing neuroscience. This type of research used is field study research with content analysis in the form of descriptive analysis. The results of the study prove that neuroscience in developing Arabic language material responds to students in accelerating memorization (mufrodat) and the practice of reading, writing, listening, and speaking (muhadasah). The development of neuroscience-based Arabic learning materials directs students with a brain approach, stimulation from the right brain and left brain as the central neuron for the growth of intelligence. The use of neuroscience in the development of Arabic language material has implications for the educational and psychological foundations of students, which are related to intelligence and affective, cognitive, and psychomotor abilities.
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