Peace Education in Islam


  • Nurul Khasanah STAI Masjid Syuhada


Islam always establishes good relations between Muslims themselves and non-Muslims by cultivating traits of tolerance, justice, good deeds and mercy that have never been encountered in the history of humanity before Islam. Apart from that, Islam also has peace education which is very relevant for everyone. Peace education in Islam is a vital need for humanity and nations throughout the world. IslamĀ  it self has the meaning of peace, and can be considered a religion of peace. The concept of peace and humanity in Islam is expressed in the teaching that Islam was not revealed to maintain hostility or violence between humans. Islam also teaches the importance of freedom, dignity and human equality. Peace education in Islam also includes the urgency to create peaceful relationships with God, humans and nature. The concept of peace education has also been studied from the perspective of Islamic education, including concepts taught by figures such as KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gusdur).





