The Influence of Emotional-Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) on Students' Socio-Religious Behavior at Junior High School 2 of Playen, Gunungkidul District


  • Ana Dwi Wahyuni STAI Yogyakarta


Students with good ESQ will be better able to build social relationships, be more focused and motivated in learning, and be able to control their emotions. As a result, they will be more patient, tolerant, friendly, and able to live their lives according to religious values. ESQ is aligned with Islamic Religious Education. Ideally, Islamic Religious Education should be able to instill religious values that can be applied in life in an integrated way, but in reality, students are still found to behave negatively both at school and in society. ESQ in Islamic Religious Education learning is considered necessary to improve the morals of adolescents, especially in the era of globalization. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the influence of ESQ on the religious social behavior of SMP 2 Playen students. This study used a quantitative approach using simple random sampling of 181 adolescents. Data were collected through a Likert scale questionnaire, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively and by simple linear regression. Quantitative descriptive analysis was used for percentage calculation, and quantitative inferential data analysis was used to determine the influence of ESQ on religious social behavior using the simple linear regression formula. The results of the study showed that: the average ESQ of students tends to be in the good category and the average religious social behavior is good. The results of the hypothesis test showed that there was a significant influence of ESQ on religious social behavior. ESQ can influence religious social behavior by 63.5%. The remaining 36.5% is explained by the variation of other factors, namely from the school environment, social environment, the development of science and technology, and the community environment.





