Behavioral Intention to Adopt Islamic Financial Technology: Theory of Planned Behaviour with Gender Moderation
Islamic fintech, Intention to use, TPB, Gender moderation, PLS MGA analysisAbstract
The Islamic banking industry in Indonesia continues to grow, as evidenced by the presence of technology-based services. This study aims to test the application of the theory of plan behavior in explaining customer intention to use Islamic financial technology by adding gender variables as moderators. Primary data were collected from 298 Islamic fintech users through direct and online surveys. The sample was selected based on the purposive sampling technique. Using PLS MGA analysis, this study found that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control positively affect the intention to use Islamic fintech, except for perceived behavioral control in the male gender. Using the MGA, Parametric, and Welch-Satterthwait tests, the study also revealed no significant difference between males and females in utilizing Islamic fintech. This study expands the understanding of psychological and social factors in adopting Islamic fintech. It also contributes to the literature by filling the research gap that has not considered gender moderation in adopting Islamic fintech.
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