Electronic teaching materials containing quranic verses: its development and scientific writing


  • Sarah Miriam
  • Abdul Salam M
  • Dewi Dewantara Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Ma’rifah Hidayati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Yayan Azhary Universitas Lambung Mangkurat




Development, Electronic Teaching Material, Quran, Scientific Writing, Workshop


Efforts to write development proposals until finally the publication of electronic teaching materials containing verses of the Koran need to be introduced and trained to teachers at the Physics MGMP Forum, Tanah Bumbu Regency. The service that will be carried out is "Workshop on the Development and Writing of Scientific Papers on Electronic Teaching Materials Containing Al-Quran Verses". This workshop is expected to provide useful outcomes for teachers, namely from research to writing scientific articles. Participants in this workshop were teachers who joined the discussion on physics subject teachers in Tanah Bumbu Regency. The activity was carried out in Banjarmasin, online. The method of activity is divided into three stages, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. At the preparation stage, there will be the formation of a committee, preparation of a rundown of activities, gathering of participants, and various other technical preparations related to the course of this service. The activity continues with the implementation process. The training activities were carried out in 4 meetings. The training activity began with the provision of material on Electronic Teaching Materials Contained with Al-Quran Verses. The next material is the procedure for the development and writing of scientific papers on electronic teaching materials containing the verses of the Koran. The next stage is for participants to develop a proposal and carry out the development. Participants are directed to carry out research guided by resource persons. Furthermore, participants make articles/scientific papers in accordance with the results of the research/development carried out. The evaluation stage is the final stage of this activity, where the service team will evaluate the activities based on the evaluation form distributed to service partners. The activity has been successfully carried out, and the teacher finally has the ability to develop and writing of scientific papers on electronic teaching materials containing Al-Quran verses.


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