Corona virus preventive effort by distributing masks to traders at Sanggeng Manokwari market


  • Yayuk Nuryanti Prodi D III Keperawatan Manokwari, Poltekkes Sorong
  • Hosiana L Sombuk Program Studi D III Keperawatan Manokwari, Politeknik Kesehatan Sorong



Market, Face mask, Coronavirus transmission, Covid-19


Indonesia is still battling the Corona virus to this day, as well as other countries. The number of cases due to the Corona virus continues to grow, some have recovered, and many have died. Handling and prevention efforts continue to be carried out by the Government to fight COVID-19. There are 5 places as a source of transmission of this virus: hospitals, public places, supermarkets, public transportation, and elevators. Traders and visitors to the market are a high-risk group because they are in a place with a lot of people going, so the market could be a transmission place for the virus. The purpose of this activity is to prevent the transmission of the corona virus to traders. The activity method is by distributing masks to traders. The results of the mask activities were divided among 40 (33%) vegetable traders, 34 (28%) people of basic food, and 46 (39%) clothes. After the distribution of masks was then carried out observation for 1 week, it was found that the average mask wearer was 4.2% from vegetable traders, 28.6% groceries traders, and 37.8% clothing traders. The data on the percentage of wearing masks is still very low. The results of the interview were the reasons why traders did not wear masks because they were uncomfortable and stuffy, so masks were rarely worn or worn briefly and then removed. Suggestion: the market administrator as the closest officer, should still encourage traders to wear masks while in the market


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