Handwashing application in student of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 24 Sungai Raya with activity book method


  • Dina Yuspita Sari Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak
  • Ratna Widyasari Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak




activity book, CTPS, handwashing


Infectious diseases usually contracted through hand-to-hand contact include the flu and the common cold and illnesses associated with Salmonella and E.coli bacteria. The expected outcomes through this PKM activity are to help elementary school children in implementing clean living behaviour programs by implementing handwashing with soap through unique and exciting activities so that elementary school-aged children know and can wash their hands properly, increase awareness will wash hands, and increase knowledge to elementary school children. The method used in this program is the educational media method using an activity book. The results obtained from this activity are the publication of an activity book with an ISBN and provide an understanding of the importance of washing hands and practising handwashing programs using soap for school-age children. Applying Handwashing with Soap (CTPS) with the activity book method can increase knowledge, attitudes and behaviour about washing hands properly using soap and running water.

Author Biography

Dina Yuspita Sari, Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak


Nama Lengkap

Dina Yuspita Sari.,M.Si.,Apt


Jenis Kelamin



Jabatan Fungsional









Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir

Mempawah, 30 April 1985








Alamat Kantor

Jalan Panglima Aim, No. 2


Nomor Telepon



Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan


12. Mata Kuliah yang Diampu

1 Komunikasi Farmasi

2 Kimia dasar

3 Kimia Organik

4 Kimia Farmasi 2


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