Decision support system in determining the location of new supermarket branches using the copras method


  • Siti Lathifah Tsaqila Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Sri Winiarti Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ida Widaningrum Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo



Retail business, New supermarket branch, Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS), Determining location, Decision Support System (DSS)


Supermarkets are one of the ideal and profitable retail business sectors to try because they are located in various urban and rural areas. This causes many people to be interested in setting up a supermarket. However, determining a strategic location is not easy and requires many strategic location considerations. The research objective is to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) to determine the location of new supermarket branches using the Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) method, which is expected to be helpful for management and supermarket partners as a business strategy. The COPRAS method excels in calculating alternative utilities and selecting the best alternative. There are nine criteria (land rental price, distance to competitors, security, distance to education, warehouse distance, cleanliness, land area, building price, crowd) and five alternative locations (Juanda, Hos Cokroaminoto, Bayangkara, Batoro Katong, Sumoroto) are considered. This research created a web-based DSS that selects the best location for supermarket, with Juanda (A1) ranked first and scored 100, followed by Somoroto (location A5) with a score of 99.861, Bayangkara (A3) with a score of 97.099, Batoro Katong (A4) with a score of 91.293, and HOS Cokroaminoto (A2) with a score of 88.877. From the results of the COPRAS calculation, it can be concluded that Juanda is the best location to build a new supermarket branch location. This result provides a valuable tool for management and supermarket partners seeking to make informed decisions about branch expansion strategies.


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How to Cite

Tsaqila, S. L., Winiarti, S., & Widaningrum, I. . (2025). Decision support system in determining the location of new supermarket branches using the copras method. International Journal of Industrial Optimization, 5(1), 16–30.


