Queuing analysis and optimization of public vehicle transport stations: A case of South West Ethiopia region vehicle stations
Arena 14 automatic rockwell, Queue system, Transport services, Vehicle stationsAbstract
Modern urban environments present a dynamically growing field where, notwithstanding shared goals, several mutually conflicting interests frequently collide. However, it has a big impact on the city's socioeconomic standing, waiting lines and queues are common occurrences. This results in extremely long lines for vehicles and people on incongruous routes, service coagulation, customer murmuring, unhappiness, complaints, and looking for other options, sometimes illegally. The root cause is corruption, which leads to traffic jams, stops and packs vehicles beyond their safe carrying capacity, and violates passengers' human rights and freedoms. This study focused on optimizing the time passengers had to wait in public vehicle stations. This applied research employed both data-gathering sources and mixed approaches. Then, 166 samples of key informants of transport stations were taken using the Slovin sampling formula. The time vehicles, including the drivers and auxiliary drivers ‘Weyala', had to wait was also studied. To maximize the service level at vehicle stations, a queuing model was subsequently devised ‘Menaharya’. Time, cost, and quality encompass performance, scope, and suitability for the intended purposes. The study also focused on determining the minimal response time required for passengers and vehicles queuing to reach their ultimate destinations within the transportation stations in Tepi, Mizan, and Bonga. A new bus station system was modeled and simulated by Arena simulation software in the chosen study area. 84% improvement on cost reduced by 56.25%, time 4 hours to 1.5 hours, quality, safety and designed load performance calculations employed. Stakeholders are asked to implement the model and monitor the results obtained.
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