A Literature Review: Effectiveness of Swedish Foot Massage Therapy on Quality of Sleep in Elderly with Essential Hypertension


  • Rahmah Widyaningrum STIKES Madani
  • Tri Hadi Miftahul Ulum STIKes Madani
  • Anis Dwi Yulianti STIKes Madani




Swedish Foot Massage, Sleep Quality, Elderly, Hypertension


Background: Aging processes in the elderly lead to degenerative diseases, one of them being essential hypertension. The elderly with hypertension often complain about sleeping problems, difficulty staying awake, often waking up in the middle of the night, and later difficulty going back to sleep, waking up too early, and sleeping poorly. Treatment of sleeping problems may include pharmacology and non-pharmacology. One nonpharmacological treatment was a complementary therapy called foot massage with Swedish techniques. The purpose is to determine the effect of Swedish foot massage therapy on sleep quality in the elderly with essential hypertension.

Method: Literature Review. Data Sources: Science Direct, Springer Nature, Hindawi, Researchgate, and Sinta. The research method used is Literature Review with the PICO Analyst method (Problem, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) from 2011 to 2021 with the keywords "Swedish foot massage" AND "sleep quality" AND "hypertension". Based on the purpose of this study, the researcher reviewed 256 articles, and 251 were excluded.

Results: Based on the results of the analysis of 5 journals, the duration of the research intervention varies widely, ranging from 2 days to 1 month. The average frequency of an intervention is 1-2 times a day. The duration of each meeting ranges from 20-40 minutes.

Conclusions: Based on the results of the analysis of 5 journals, the intervention of Swedish foot massage therapy significantly improves the sleep quality of hypertensive patients. The researchers recommend Swedish foot massage therapy to improve the quality of sleep for people with essential hypertension.

Author Biographies

Rahmah Widyaningrum, STIKES Madani

Bachelor Program of Nursing

Tri Hadi Miftahul Ulum, STIKes Madani

Bachelor Program of Nursing

Anis Dwi Yulianti, STIKes Madani

Bachelor Program of Nursing


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