Bibliometric Analysis of Explainable AI in Advance Care Planning: Insights, Collaborative Trends, and Future Prospects
Explainable AI, Advance Care Planning, Bibliometric Analysis, Healthcare Analytics, Decision Support SystemsAbstract
The increasing complexity of healthcare systems has led to a growing need for Advance Care Planning (ACP) to ensure personalized care for patients. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has emerged as a promising solution to enhance ACP by providing transparent and interpretable decision-making processes. However, the current landscape of XAI in ACP remains unclear, necessitating a comprehensive bibliometric analysis. This study employed a systematic review of existing literature on XAI in ACP, using a bibliometric approach to analyze publication trends, collaboration patterns, and research themes. One hundred sixty articles were selected from prominent databases, and their metadata were extracted and analyzed using Biblioshiny, the analysis revealed a significant growth in ACP XAI-related publications, focusing on deep learning and natural language processing techniques. The top contributing authors and institutions were identified, and their collaborative networks were visualized. The results also highlighted the prominent themes of patient-centered care, decision support systems, and healthcare analytics. The study's findings have implications for developing more effective XAI-based ACP systems. This bibliometric analysis provides valuable insights into the current state of XAI in ACP, highlighting the need for further research and collaboration to address the complex challenges in healthcare. The study's outcomes can inform policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in developing more effective ACP systems that leverage the potential of XAI.
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