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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions submitted in the form of office word doc or docx documents. If the text does not match, it will be automatically rejected and will not be processed further. Attach a supplementary file in the form of plagiarism to convince the editor that the text is plagiarism-free.
  • Submissions must not have been published before with a similarity value below 30 percent and each element of similarity is not more than 3 percent. If it is a manuscript that has been published in a seminar or journal, it must be 60 percent different from the previous version. Include the manuscript and change the sentence that is a reference in the bibliography so as not to be plagiarized.
  • Abstracts amount from 100 to 200 words consisting of 1-2 preliminary sentences, 2-3 sentence methods, a minimum of 8 sentences of results and discussion and 1-2 sentence conclusions.
  • Minimal references are 30 from journals that were published 5 years ago.
  • It used a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and has chosen the IEEE style.
  • The Research Contribution has been written in the Abstract and Introduction.

Author Guidelines

Read the instructions in the process of sending the manuscript. Minimum standard requirements must meet

  1. Written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
  2. Minimum paper length of 6 pages.
  3. The format of the bibliography uses IEEE Style.
  4. Make sure the paper is written following template BISTE Journal Template
  5. The author must follow the template journal and the similarity must be under 30% or the manuscript will be rejected.

Paper Structure is

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Structure. Introduction - Methods - Results and Discussion - Conclusions
  4. References
The Title
The title must fully describe the paper's content in short.
The abstract
The abstract consists of 150 - 300 words containing the introduction as a brief intro about the paper (2-3 sentences), research contribution (2-3 sentences), research methods to describe how the problem is solved (2-3 sentences), results, and discussion showing the results of experiments/simulation (2-6 sentences), conclusions (1-2 sentences). The abstract is written using English and Bahasa Indonesia.
The Introduction
The Introduction section must explain the background of the problem and the urgency of the study, which can be proved by providing some previous research and works, and also how to solve the problem in brief. Also, the contribution and the importance of the research must be stated clearly.
The Equation
The equation is some of the most beneficial parts that will be seen first when reading a paper, hence it needs to be made easy to read and as best as possible. The Equation writes using Insert Equation or Ms. Equation. We suggest using 3 columns of the table to help, and then to make the equation in the middle of the column and the number of the equation on the right-side column. Please see the guide in the link on how to make the equation in word and give the equation number in the link
The Figure and Table
The Figure and Table are some of the most beneficial parts that will be seen first when reading a paper, hence it needs to be made easy to read and as best as possible. The Figure and Table must be in PNG or JPG/JPEG format with 600-1200 dpi. Please don't crop, or use snipping and print-screens tools. Otherwise, the image resolution will be compromised. Figures and Tables are numbered correctly and are referred to in Sentences. Avoid using the words "in the image above", "in the image below". Just call the name of Figure 1 or Table 1. Figures and Tables are not only included but give some analysis and information. All of the figures and tables must be cited in paragraphs and it must be explained. Please give some explanation, information, or analysis. Please use the Insert Table feature to make the table and don't make a table print screen or table snipping tool.
All of Figure, Tabel, and Equation must be given by information, explanation, and analysis, not only included without description.
The Method
The Method contains an explanation of the research method and the proposed method. This section can include research diagrams, system block diagrams, wiring diagrams, and program flow diagrams. Please see the guide to make the block diagram or flowchart in the link
The Result and Discussion
The Results and Discussion section should give the analysis and explanation in all the result (Table and Figure). It is recommended to provide a comparison to a similar method from previous works and research. All of the figures and tables must be given by some analysis in the part.
The References
The references consist of at least 20 relevant references (according to the research topic) and the latest (80 percent of references are 5 years back from this year). The references come from national or international journals that have Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Avoid references that come from internet pages such as web pages and blogs. That is because references from the internet do not go through a good review process and the information is not necessarily true.

Please check the reference format style.

Reference from the journal must be
A. Ma'arif, A. I. Cahyadi, S. Herdjunanto, and O. Wahyunggoro, "Tracking Control of High Order Input Reference Using Integrals State Feedback and Coefficient Diagram Method Tuning," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 182731-182741, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3029115.

We recommend using Mendeley for reference management.


The English Grammar and Typo

Please use Grammarly to check your manuscript. The free Grammarly is enough for fixing some typos and grammar mistakes. Proofreading is recommended to increase the quality of the English language and writing.


The guide for submission is in the link here.

The guide for sending the revision is in the link here.

Please contact for more information.

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