Emancipation of Islamic Women in the Novel Ta'allamat Al-Hubb by Nawal As-Sa'dawiy according to Qasim Amin's Theory


  • Ferawati Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia and Kolej Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor.
  • Saifullah Syamsuddin Kolej Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor
  • Muhammad Syukri Abdurrahman Kolej Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor




This study aims to examine the element of women's emancipation in the novel Tallamat al-Hubb by Nawal As-Sa'dawiy. This study uses Qasim Amin's theory of Islamic Women's emancipation which divides the emancipation element into five aspects, namely the education aspect, the female aspect, the hijab aspect, the marriage aspect and the divorce aspect. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods with an Islamic literary approach to analyze the elements of Islamic women's emancipation contained in the novel. The results of this study are five aspects of women's emancipation in the novel Tallamtu al-Hubb by Nawal As-Sa'dawi. In the education aspect, there are 11 data that describe female figures who are given the right to be educated, go to school, excel and take higher education at the medical faculty. In the female aspect, there are 12 data that describe the work and profession of a woman who becomes a doctor in a hospital. In the aspect of hijab, there is 1 data that illustrates that in Arab countries apply hijab for women and must cover the aurat. While the aspect of marriage 7 data that explains that marriage is a sunnah of the prophet Muhammad and Allah's command to unite two humans so that both become halal. And the aspect of divorce 1 data is a picture of a woman can choose a partner and divorce if she feels deceived or forced then no one can force her to marry someone she doesn't like.





