Human rights in the perspective of Islam and the 1945 constitution post-amendment


  • Rubini Rubini STAI Masjid Syuhada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Zahrani UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of the study on the title of this paper is to understand how the concept of Human Rights in Islam and the 1945 Constitution post-amendment is. The research method employed is library research. In this study, the author utilizes a juridical approach and a normative theological approach. The data processing and analysis involve a descriptive-analytical method, used to analyze the concept of Human Rights by presenting data to draw conclusions. The historical analysis method is employed to analyze the background of the emergence of Human Rights material in Islam and the 1945 Constitution, while the concept analysis method is used to examine and compare the preceding concepts of Human Rights. The research findings indicate that the concept of Human Rights in Islam and the 1945 Constitution post-amendment is consistent in considering justice as a fundamental human need since the inception of Islam. The core content of Human Rights material in the 1945 Constitution post-amendment includes the right to religious belief in accordance with the principle of the One and Only God, the right to life and the preservation of life, the right to education, information, and freedom of expression, the right to continue one's lineage (family rights), the right to employment and social security, the right to the protection of cultural assets, and the right to justice and peace. This means that Human Rights in Islam and the 1945 Constitution post-amendment, based on the author's research, both aim to protect fundamental aspects such as religion, soul, intellect, lineage, and property


