Plasma core analysis in Islamic law perspective: a systematic review of the literature


  • Sheylla Aqsa Bernadhita Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Lukmanul Hakim Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia


The research aims to find out whether there are special contracts used in cooperation or partnerships and the suitability or inconsistency of the terms of the contract. The research was conducted using the systematic literature review method. Data obtained from Publish or Perish and Google Schoolar. Data processing goes through several processes, namely identification, selection, and feasibility. In the use of this method, 15 research results were obtained on contracts used in partnerships. 12 studies for shirkah 'inan and 3 for shirkah mudharabah. The conclusion obtained is that there is no special contract that refers to the Plasma Core cooperation and there are conformities and inconsistencies in the terms of the contract used in this collaboration. The existence of cooperation itself in Islam is permissible because there are several parties concerned, so there is a relationship of mutual help.


