Contribution of Islamic Values to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Their Influence on Humanity: Literature Study of the Al-Qur'an


  • Annisa Putri Wulandini Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Muhammad Zakaria Darlin Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Indonesia faces environmental challenges such as deforestation, water and soil pollution, and the impact of climate change. The importance of protecting the environment is recorded in Presidential Regulation no. 59 of 2017 concerning Sustainable Development. The Qur'an provide an important ethical basis for protecting the environment. This research aims to identify and analyze the contribution of Islamic values in some verses in Al-Qur’an to the SDGs goals, especially in preventing climate change and ecosystem sustainability. Using a mixture of literature study and qualitative descriptive methods through Stylistics and Semantics approaches, this research integrates literary insights with a deep understanding of Islamic values. The outcome of this research is to unveil the awareness of the Islamic community in Indonesia regarding the importance of charitable deeds and accountability in the afterlife. The findings demonstrate that the implementation of Islamic values, particularly in terms of fair trade, gender equality, and the responsibility as stewards, can significantly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), bringing positive impacts on humanity as a whole.





