Green Economy and Halal Industry: Maqashid Syariah Perspective


  • Hilma Fanniar Rohman Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Hafizhah Novianti Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Muhammad Said Auzar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Lately, problems related to climate change and global warming continue to be a discourse that is routinely discussed by the global public. The Green Economy ideology is one of the ideologies born amidst climate change and rising temperatures. The Green Economy is a counter-narrative to the economic practices that have occurred so far, industries that use fossil energy sources including oil, coal, and natural gas. Green Economy is based on Science and Technology which has a vision to collaborate with Human Resources and Ecosystems to reduce the impact of economic activities on increasing Earth's temperature and climate change. The Halal Industry holistically does not justify human exploitative behavior towards nature and the environment which can hurt the quality of life felt by mankind and its impact can significantly damage ecosystems and reduce the supply of natural resources. Maqashid al-syari'ah means that Allah SWT as the creator of sharia creates benefits for humanity, by fulfilling the needs of daruriyat (primary), hajjiyat (secondary), tahsiniyat (tertiary) so that humans can live a good life and can carry out devotion to Allah SWT. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach with a literature study method. The halal industry has similarities with the green economy in the framework of environmental preservation and economic inclusiveness, in realizing an equitable and sustainable economy. In Islam there is maqashid al-syari'ah and the principles contained therein are very compatible with the principles of green economy and the spirit of sustainable development.





