Tri-Concepts of Internalization of Islamic Values through ISMUBA Learning for Students at Muhammadiyah Kriyan Primary School Jepara


  • Naufal Hidayatullah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Arif Rahman universitas ahmad dahlan


The background to this research was triggered by the moral dynamics of the young generation in the contemporary era. Especially the problem of moral damage caused by weak values ​​education which results in various immoral behavior occurring among young people. One of the important roles in moral formation besides the family institution is the educational institution at school. As an education system, schools have an important strategic role in internalizing Islamic values ​​which strengthen students' morals. Especially in Muhammadiyah schools, Islamic education has a core curriculum through learning ISMUBA. ISMUBA learning itself includes lessons on Aqidah, Akhlak, Worship, Tarikh, Arabic, and the Qur'an-hadith as well as Muhammadiyah which are designed to fulfill knowledge as well as shape students' religious behavior. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method, where data is collected through interview, observation and documentation techniques. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed in depth and presented systematically. The results of this research show that the Islamic values ​​internalized through the ISMUBA learning process can at least be mapped into several aspects such as: congregational prayer activities at school, daily exemplary efforts that refer to the characteristics of the Prophet, practice of hadith values, and through communication etiquette patterns. Apart from that, this research also found three-concept stages in the process of internalizing Islamic values ​​through ISMUBA learning carried out at the Muhammadiyah Kriyan Jepara Elementary School, namely: First, value transformation, namely systematic gradual changes through Islamic values ​​in ISMUBA learning; second, value transactions, namely associating relationships between values, ideas and actions as a stimulus process in the learning process; Third, trans-internalization, namely the process of incorporating Islamic values ​​into the learner's dimensions through ISMUBA's internal and external learning support.





