The Analysis of Managerial Competence of Head of Madrasah in Improving the Quality of Educational Institution


  • Aldi Al Husaini Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Yusuf Hanafiah universitas ahmad dahlan


The head of the Madrasah is someone who has the highest position in the education unit. The role of the Head of Madrasah is very important including planning, implementation, activities, and evaluation. This study aims to describe the extent of the competence of MTs. N 5 Klaten principals in an effort to improve the quality of education units. This type of research uses qualitative with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques use observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of this study show: First, the managerial competence of the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten, namely personality, managerial, supervision, entrepreneurship, and social competencies. Second, the implementation of managerial competence of the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten towards improving the quality of education units is realized by providing examples to all components of the madrasah, wise, always developing themselves, and firm in making decisions. In the managerial aspect, the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten develops the competence of teachers, develops curriculum, manages finances and manages infrastructure facilities systematically and transparently. In the supervise aspect, the Head of MTs N 5 Klaten directly monitors the teaching and learning process, conducts assertive and associative communication, and develops the potential of teachers in madrasas. Entrepreneurial competence is realized by improving intra- and extracurricular programs, in collaboration with the surrounding community in providing the needs of all components of the madrasah. Social competence is demonstrated by interacting with the surrounding community, parents, and students. Third, the driving factor of the managerial competency system of the Head of Madrasah in improving the quality of education units is the participation of teachers in improving their professionalism as teachers and the availability of adequate infrastructure. Fourth, the inhibiting factor of the managerial competency system of the Head of Madrasah is the lack of parental support to students and the number of student ratios that are too large.





