Scopus Citation

Scopus has cited the International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation (IJEMI) with 87 citations from 40 secondary documents. (December 2024)

2024: 1 citations

2023: 6 citations

2022: 11 citations

2021: 41 citations

2020: 28 citations

Scopus References Search Keywords: REF "International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation" OR REF " Int. Journal Educational Management" OR REF "Int. J. Educ. Manag. Innov."



Citation Coming from journals such as: 

Education and Information Technologies Q1
Thinking Skills and Creativity Q1
Psychology in the Schools Q1
Pharos Journal of Theology Q1
Cogent Education Q2
European Journal of Educational Research Q2
Journal of Social Studies Education Research Q2
Journal of Intercultural Communication Q2
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing Q2
Journal of Education and e-Learning Research Q2
World Journal of English Language Q2
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research Q3
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication Q3
Theory and Practice in Language Studies Q3
Obrazovanie i Nauka Q3
Education Research International Q3
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Q3
International Journal of Information and Education Technology Q3
Fizjoterapia Polska Q4
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management Q4
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Q4
Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi Q4, etc.