Development of an Entrepreneurship Themed Animation Film of Kappaphycus Striatum Integrated Linear Programming Using the Plotagon Application


  • Mukmin Amsidi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Andriyani Andriyani Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



entrepreneurship, animation film,, linear programming, plotagon


Entrepreneurship is the answer to the challenge of the need for creativity and innovation in solving problems or creating new opportunities, as applied in vocational-based curricula. Various vocational competencies and skills are trained to equip and prepare students to enter the dynamic world of work so that students must be able to solve problems encountered around them through creative problem-solving. Therefore, in its teaching, real problem-solving exercises are needed with the help of learning media that can illustrate these real problems in detail with very realistic visuals. For this reason, it is necessary to have learning media such as animated films that accommodate various problems related to entrepreneurship practice to train students' creative thinking abilities. The research and development model used in this research is the Borg and Gall procedural model which is descriptive and shows systematic steps to produce an animated film with an entrepreneurship theme. The basis for selecting this development model is related to the special characteristics of the Borg and Gall development model, namely developing products to relate the gap between educational research and educational practice, as well as emphasizing specific problems related to practical problems in teaching through applied research. Animated films with the theme of practice entrepreneurship can be said to meet the criteria of product development feasibility. The animated film media used has also proven to be a solution to the problems of students who have not been trained to think creatively in practice entrepreneurship problems-solving, so that students are more enthusiastic about learning and have meaningful learning experiences.


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