Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android for Supporting Blended Learning in Basic Electronics Lessons


  • Hendro Welas Setiawan Ahmad Dalan University
  • Muchlas Muchlas Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Blended Learning, Android Education Media, Basic Electronics


The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop Android-based learning media for supporting blended learning in introductory electronics lessons and (2) determine the effectiveness and the student satisfaction level of the developed product.

This study used the Research and Development method with the ADDIE development model, which consisted of defining, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating stages. The research subjects consisted of two media expert validators, two material expert validators, and 31 product trial students. The research instrument used a questionnaire for media and material experts, also tests and questionnaires for students. This study uses the percentage technique to determine the student satisfaction level of the developed product. At the same time, the product testing carries out with an experimental design (before-after) and a one-group pretest-posttest pattern.

This study has produced an educational game media based on Android to support blended learning in introductory electronics lessons. The results showed that the product developed obtained a validity score of 82.5% from media experts, which was on valid criteria. A score of 93.7% from material experts was in very valid criterion. The post-test average score of 80.97 is higher than the average pre-test score of 64.09. The level of student satisfaction with the product developed was excellent, with an average score of 85.8 on a scale of 100. The developed product can effectively support blended learning in introductory electronics lessons at vocational schools.


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