A Monte Carlo Density Distribution Model Study to Analyze Galaxy Structure, Mass Distribution, and Dark Matter Phenomena
Monte carlo density distribution model, Galaxy structure, Mass distribution of galaxies, Dark matter phenomenon, Mathematical modelAbstract
This research uses the Monte Carlo density distribution model to study the structure and mass distribution of galaxies and the dark matter phenomenon. Through computer simulations, the research developed a mathematical model with parameters such as rho0, rc, beta, and others, to describe the structure and mass distribution of galaxies. The results show that the model can reproduce various galaxy structures, including groups, clusters and filaments, and influence the behavior and characteristics of individual galaxies. This research provides a deeper understanding of dark matter and its impact on the evolution of the universe. It has implications for improving our understanding of dark matter and the use of Monte Carlo density distribution models to study galaxies. This study provides new insights into the evolution of galaxies and their relationship with dark matter in cosmology. Using both physics and mathematical concepts, this research helps to understand the phenomenon of dark matter and the structure of galaxies, and provides a basis for further research on dark matter and galaxy evolution.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Budiman Nasution, Ruben Cornelius Siagian, Winsyahputra Ritonga, Lulut Alfaris, Aldi Cahya Muhammad, Arip Nurahman

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