Students are Not Sure about Their Conceptual Understanding: A Comparative Study of the Level of Conceptual Understanding and the Level of Confidence Using Rasch Modeling
Conceptual Understanding, Four-tier, Misconception, Rasch ModelAbstract
Misconceiving fundamental physics concepts is a persistent challenge in education, hindering students' ability to grasp more advanced topics. This study aims to compare students' conceptual understanding and confidence levels using a 4-tier diagnostic instrument. Conducted as a survey involving 56 high school students in Yogyakarta, the research utilized a 4-tier diagnostic test covering topics of temperature and heat. Data were collected through Google Forms and analyzed using Excel and Winsteps 4.6.1 based on the Rasch Model. Data analysis involved coding, preparing raw data, and utilizing Wright maps combined with Logit Value of Person (LVP) for assessing students' conceptual understanding and confidence levels. Results indicated a significant inconsistency between students' conceptual understanding and their confidence, with many students displaying high confidence despite low understanding, and vice versa. This mismatch highlights the necessity for educational strategies that not only clarify concepts but also align students' confidence with their actual understanding. The study's implications suggest the need for more comprehensive diagnostic tools and targeted pedagogical interventions to enhance learning outcomes in physics education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Toni Kus Indratno, Moh. Irma Sukarelawan, Ariati Dina Puspitasari, Soeharto

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