Students’ Computational Thinking Skills In Physics Learning: A Case study of Kinematic Concepts
Computational thinking, Physics learning, Problem-solving, 21st-century learningAbstract
Physics learning provides a context for future careers in fostering ability in high-end logic with the 21st learning goals. Applying computational thinking in schools is challenging and requires systemic transformation and teacher attention. This study aims to investigate the computational thinking of students in physics learning. This study used exploratory qualitative research. Data were gathered through observation, interviews, and portfolio documents. The data are analyzed through six stages: preparing and organizing, exploring, building descriptions, representing the findings, interpreting the results, and validating the accuracy. The result indicated four primary computational thinking skills: decomposition, abstraction, simulation, and evaluation. The computational thinking skills in physics learning can develop students’ understanding and implementation of physics concepts based on data, not just mathematical formulas. Computational thinking in physics learning gives students the opportunity and space to explore and develop their ideas and logical reasoning more deeply in problem-defining, solutions, and evaluation. Students use their logical reasoning to solve the problem precisely. This study is expected to be used as a basis and support for physics teachers to integrate computational thinking into their learning classroom.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rif'ati Dina Handayani, Albertus Djoko Lesmono, Sri Handono Budi Prastowo, Bambang Supriadi, Nila Mutia Dewi

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