Development of Al-Qur'an-Based Physics Learning Media Applications to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills and Spiritual Attitudes for Preservice Physics Teacher
Al-Qur'an-Based Physics, HOTs, Physics Learning Media, Spiritual AttitudesAbstract
This study aims to develop an Android-based Al-Qur'an integrated physics learning media to improve preservice physics teachers' higher-order thinking skills and spiritual attitudes. The development of learning media uses the ADDIE model. Media and material experts assessed the feasibility of learning media through a validation questionnaire. The trial was carried out on 40 preservice physics teacher students. The validation results were analyzed using a descriptive technique. The analysis results show that the learning media developed is suitable for improving Higher Order Thinking Skills and the Spiritual Attitude of Preservice Physics Teachers. So, the Android-based physics learning media integrated with the Quran can be implemented for preservice physics teachers.
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