Husband and Family Support in Postpartum Depression Mothers at PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital


  • Rina Sugiyanti Psychiatrist, RSJ Grhasia, FK UAD
  • Astriani Nurfaizah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Aji Kadarmo Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Postpartum Depression, Husband Support, Family Support


Postpartum depression (PPD) is a psychological illness that affects mothers after giving birth and can last for up to two years. Its symptoms include sadness, anger, fatigue, loneliness, feeling undervalued, and even thoughts of suicide or harming others. These circumstances may harm the mother, impede the growth of the child, and have an impact on the mother's family, needing help from the husband and family. This study at the PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital intends to ascertain the association between husband and family support and the prevalence of PPD. This research is a quantitative study that uses an observational-analytical method with a cross-sectional design. The sample was taken using probability sampling techniques, resulting in 29 postpartum mothers as participants. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) questionnaire is used to identify PPD symptoms. The results of the study showed that out of the 29 samples, 14 mothers experienced PPD (48.3%). The percentage of mothers who did not receive husband support was 20.3%, and those who did not receive family support was 13.8%. Bivariate analysis using the Fisher’s Exact Test showed a p-value of 0.006 for husband support and a p-value of 0.042 for family support. These values are considered valid because p < α (0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between husband and family support with PPD incidence in postpartum mothers at PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital.

Author Biography

Rina Sugiyanti, Psychiatrist, RSJ Grhasia, FK UAD

Dr. Rina Sugiyanti, MD, Psych

Psychiatrist & Educator | Healing Minds, Inspiring Futures 

As a distinguished psychiatrist at the Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta, and a devoted lecturer at Ahmad Dahlan Medical Faculty, Dr. Rina Sugiyanti, MD, embodies the spirit of compassion, knowledge, and healing.


  • Mood Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Addiction Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy

Hospital & Academic Excellence: With her dual role, Dr. Sugiyanti combines clinical excellence with a commitment to educating the next generation of medical professionals. Her contributions to both patient care and medical education are shaping the future of psychiatric medicine.

Bridging Cultural Understanding: Dr. Sugiyanti's extensive experience in Yogyakarta has made her an advocate for culturally sensitive mental health care. She understands the importance of cultural competence in fostering healing and understanding.

Lifelong Learning: Dedicated to staying at the forefront of psychiatric medicine, Dr. Sugiyanti continues her own education to offer the best care to her patients. She is a firm believer in the power of knowledge and its role in healing.

Champion for Mental Health: Beyond her clinical and academic work, Dr. Sugiyanti passionately advocates for mental health awareness, destigmatization, and accessibility to care. She envisions a world where everyone has the opportunity for mental well-being.


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How to Cite

Sugiyanti, R., Nurfaizah, A. ., & Kadarmo, A. . (2023). Husband and Family Support in Postpartum Depression Mothers at PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital. Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal, 4(2), 255–262. Retrieved from