The Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching English at Vocational High School


  • Hikmah Lusian Handayani Universitas Brawijaya
  • Dian Novita Dewi Universitas Brawijaya



Authentic Materials, Teachers’ Perceptions, Vocational School


The selection of appropriate teaching materials can be very important to
make the student easier in learning English, especially in vocational high
school. Teaching English at vocational school is also related to contextual
teaching which must be related to the use of materials that are closer to
the real world where the learners interact. Therefore, authentic materials
become one of the materials that can be used in the teaching-learning
process because it is made contextually or is related to real-life material.
Additionally, the integration of local content-based materials also
provides many benefits for the students in learning English. The goal of
this study is to find out teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of
authentic materials in English classrooms in vocational high schools. The
participants were five English teachers from five vocational high schools
located in Pacet, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia. The data of this research
were gathered using a semi-structured interview. The data analysis
technique included data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions.
The result reports that all teachers in vocational high schools in Pacet have
positive perceptions of the use of authentic materials in teaching English.
It also can be concluded that all the teachers are implemented authentic
materials as well as integrate local content in their teaching.


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How to Cite

Handayani, H. L., & Dewi, D. N. (2022). The Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching English at Vocational High School. JURNAL INOVASI DAN MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN, 1(2), 90–100.


