Utilizing Ex-Bird Market Buildings in the City of Balikpapan: Needs and Economics Approach Analysis


  • Zahrul Azhar bin Nasir Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  • Anisa Nurpita Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Agusta Ika Prihanti Nugraheni Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia




Asset, Optimization , Utilization, Economic Needs


Balikpapan City has many active markets but there are also markets
that are no longer active, one of which is the former Bird Market
building. The purpose of this study is to analyse the needs and
economics of the asset in order to achieve the most optimal
management. Alternative economic studies are based on the results of
FGDs and surveys to fulfil the wishes of the community. The data used
is primary data using a survey where the respondents are the
community around the asset location and supported by stakeholders.
The analytical tools used are BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) and NPV (Net
Present Value). The results obtained are the most profitable
alternative economic use is a children's amusement park with an NPV
value of -19.6 billion rupiah and a BCR value of 1.71, followed by the
UMKM Center building with an NPV value of 3.3 billion rupiah and a
BCR value of 1.17 or more than 1. Meanwhile, the first priority of
community needs is the traditional market, the second is the UMKM
center building. So the alternative that suits the needs of the
community and has economic benefits is the UMKM centre building.
Therefore, based on the results of economic calculations, it is
recommended that the former bird market building be better used for
the UMKM centre. Thus, the local government can use this research as
a reference in determining the reuse of the former bird market

Author Biography

Anisa Nurpita, Universitas Gadjah Mada


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