Indonesian Review of Physics 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Dr. Moh. Toifur, M.Si Open Journal Systems <hr /> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP)</strong></td> <td rowspan="9" valign="top" width="20%"><img src=";size=" alt="cover" /><img src=";;psig=AOvVaw1HnWfrBMwUv1Q7dv5cn8OJ&amp;ust=1652330185760000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=2ahUKEwim-7rfz9b3AhW1XmwGHcfICIQQjRx6BAgAEAs" alt="" /><img src=";;tbnid=8TNYsQru8KlSxM&amp;vet=12ahUKEwi60r2pz9b3AhV2IrcAHXohBSoQMygEegQIARAl..i&amp;docid=P8L5tIuHYjQuxM&amp;w=1241&amp;h=1754&amp;q=irip%20uad&amp;ved=2ahUKEwi60r2pz9b3AhV2IrcAHXohBSoQMygEegQIARAl" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="50%"><strong>IRiP</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="50%"><em><strong>Indones. Rev. Phys.</strong></em></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="50%"><strong>2 issues per year | June and December</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Prefix 10.12928 by </strong><img src=";base64,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" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">ISSN</td> <td width="50%"><strong>E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-2889</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fatin Aliah Phang</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href="">Universitas Ahmad Dahlan</a> </strong>in collaboration with <strong><a href="" target="_self">AGFI</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a> | <a href="">Scopus</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div align="justify"><hr /> <p align="justify">IRiP (Indonesian Review of Physics) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in June and December. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of <em>Physics, Physics Education, Instrumentation,</em> <em>Earth and Space Science</em>, and <em>Computational Physics</em>. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in <strong>English)</strong> which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. Submission the journal should normally follow the <strong><a href=";ouid=110518372075931349720&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IRiP template</a></strong>.</p> </div> Students’ Computational Thinking Skills In Physics Learning: A Case study of Kinematic Concepts 2022-12-15T05:33:11+00:00 Rif'ati Dina Handayani Albertus Djoko Lesmono Sri Handono Budi Prastowo Bambang Supriadi Nila Mutia Dewi <p>Physics learning provides a context for future careers in fostering ability in high-end logic with the 21<sup>st </sup>learning goals. Applying computational thinking in schools is challenging and requires systemic transformation and teacher attention. This study aims to investigate the computational thinking of students in physics learning. This study used exploratory qualitative research. Data were gathered through observation, interviews, and portfolio documents. The data are analyzed through six stages: preparing and organizing, exploring, building descriptions, representing the findings, interpreting the results, and validating the accuracy. The result indicated four primary computational thinking skills: decomposition, abstraction, simulation, and evaluation. The computational thinking skills in physics learning can develop students’ understanding and implementation of physics concepts based on data, not just mathematical formulas. Computational thinking in physics learning gives students the opportunity and space to explore and develop their ideas and logical reasoning more deeply in problem-defining, solutions, and evaluation. Students use their logical reasoning to solve the problem precisely. This study is expected to be used as a basis and support for physics teachers to integrate computational thinking into their learning classroom.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rif'ati Dina Handayani, Albertus Djoko Lesmono, Sri Handono Budi Prastowo, Bambang Supriadi, Nila Mutia Dewi A Preliminary Study on Promoting Contextual Teaching and Learning Using Smart Water Quality Sensors 2023-06-15T10:00:22+00:00 Dwi Sulisworo Meita Fitrianawati Arsyad Cahya Subrata Khairul Shafee Kalid Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad <p>Building awareness among students on the issues of natural environmental phenomena has always been a challenge due to the difference in location between the student and the observed phenomena. The issues of the natural environment have been a part of the curriculum in elementary schools. One of the lessons taught on the natural environment in elementary schools is related to the water conditions in various areas filled with water, such as ponds, rivers, lakes, etc. Currently, learning in the natural environment is based on text, images, and videos, and learning activities using real-time data are still rare. This study presents the development of an IoT-based Smart Water Quality application prototype. The prototype consists of conductivity, pH, oxygen levels, salinity, and turbidity sensors. The IoT prototype can also be used to automatically monitor fish, shrimp, and other species in aquaculture ponds. Using the IoT-based Smart Water Quality application prototype, teachers can enhance students' higher-order thinking skills by designing learning activities using real-time data to identify, compare, and classify various concepts or phenomena.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Sulisworo, Meita Fitrianawati, Arsyad Cahya Subrata, Khairul Shafee Kalid, Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative Energy Source to Generate Electricity 2023-06-14T08:23:50+00:00 Muh. Ridwan Kadir Nurul Afiqah Arsyad Syarifah Nuraeni Alaydrus Wenny Puspita Sahrul Sahrul Muhammad Nurkhalis Agriawan Hardi Hamzah <p>Fishermen are the main livelihood for coastal communities in West Sulawesi. In fishing activities, especially at night, fishermen use lights to attract fish for a greater chance of catching fish. However, fishermen need a supply of electricity to turn on their lights when at sea. Fishermen usually use batteries. This is a significant problem for fishermen because batteries require a relatively high operational level. Researchers found the idea by developing a battery replacement tool to reduce high operating costs. This study aims to utilize seawater as an alternative energy source to overcome the problem of high operational costs for fishermen. The tool developed in this study uses two electrodes (Zn and Cu) placed vertically in a container and then filled with seawater. The two electrodes are connected in series, producing a high output voltage to light an LED. After the initial measurement, the resulting output voltage is 5V and can turn on the LED with a bright enough light. In periodic measurements for 96 hours with data collection every 4 hours, the voltage, current, and power do not decrease significantly, so the seawater lamp is suitable for coastal communities and fishermen's use as lighting when going to sea at night. Series and parallel combinations must be developed to achieve higher voltage and power values ​​and obtain brighter light. The results of this research can be an alternative and renewable energy source that can be widely used.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muh. Ridwan Kadir, Nurul Afiqah Arsyad, Syarifah Nuraeni Alaydrus, Wenny Puspita, Sahrul, Muhammad Nurkhalis Agriawan, Hardi Hamzah A Monte Carlo Density Distribution Model Study to Analyze Galaxy Structure, Mass Distribution, and Dark Matter Phenomena 2023-06-16T01:24:45+00:00 Budiman Nasution Ruben Cornelius Siagian Winsyahputra Ritonga Lulut Alfaris Aldi Cahya Muhammad Arip Nurahman <p>This research uses the Monte Carlo density distribution model to study the structure and mass distribution of galaxies and the dark matter phenomenon. Through computer simulations, the research developed a mathematical model with parameters such as rho0, rc, beta, and others, to describe the structure and mass distribution of galaxies. The results show that the model can reproduce various galaxy structures, including groups, clusters and filaments, and influence the behavior and characteristics of individual galaxies. This research provides a deeper understanding of dark matter and its impact on the evolution of the universe. It has implications for improving our understanding of dark matter and the use of Monte Carlo density distribution models to study galaxies. This study provides new insights into the evolution of galaxies and their relationship with dark matter in cosmology. Using both physics and mathematical concepts, this research helps to understand the phenomenon of dark matter and the structure of galaxies, and provides a basis for further research on dark matter and galaxy evolution.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Budiman Nasution, Ruben Cornelius Siagian, Winsyahputra Ritonga, Lulut Alfaris, Aldi Cahya Muhammad, Arip Nurahman Estimation of Flores Sea Aftershock Rupture Data Based on AI 2023-06-14T06:45:01+00:00 Adi Jufriansah Azmi Khusnani Yudhiakto Pramudya Mulya Afriyanto <p>The earthquake catalog notes that there have been earthquakes with Mw &gt; 7 that hit the Flores area, three of which occurred in the Flores Sea in 1992, 2015, and 2021. Revealed that the seismic activity of Eastern Indonesia is thought to be influenced by the isolated thrust fault segment of the island of Flores and the island of Wetar. The study of the rising fault segment on Flores Island and Wetar Island helps in further understanding the fault behavior, earthquake pattern, and seismic risk in the Flores Sea region. In earthquakes with giant magneto, an aftershock can occur due to the interaction of ground movements. This research analyzes and compares the data from the evaluation of the classification algorithm and the regression algorithm. The initial stages of this research include requesting IRIS DMC Web Service data. The data is then subjected to a cleaning process to obtain the expected feature extraction. The next stage is to perform the clustering process. This stage is carried out to label dependent data by adding new features as data clusters. The following procedure divides the validation value, which consists of training and test data. The estimation results show that the classification algorithm's evaluation value is better than that of the regression algorithm. The evaluation value of several algorithms indicates this, with an accuracy rate between 80% and 100%.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adi Jufriansah, Azmi Khusnani, Yudhiakto Pramudya, Mulya Afriyanto Home Made Four-Point Probe: Case Studies of the Wobbly A and B Probes 2023-06-16T06:20:55+00:00 Moh. Toifur Moh. Irma Sukarelawan Okimustava Okimustava <p>A simulation on the effect of probe deviation on sheet resistivity value (<em>R<sub>s</sub></em>) of Cu/Ni thin film was carried out in a home-made four-point probe (HM-FPP) type. This began by solving the <em>R<sub>s</sub></em> formula for normal probes, and then for wobbly probe when it was either A, or both A and B. The formula was implemented on a thin layer of Cu/Ni, which was a low temperature sensor material obtained from electrodeposition for 60s assisted by a 200G magnetic field at a current density of 0.07A/mm<sup>2</sup>. An electric current of 0.20118A was flown from probe A to D in order to produce a potential difference between probe C and D of 0.0005 volts. Furthermore, the distance between the probes was 5 mm and the deviation of each probe A and B were simulated from -0.5 mm to 0.5 mm. The maximum allowable limit for the relative error of <em>R<sub>s</sub></em> or <em>S<sub>Rs</sub></em> is 5%. The results showed that the ideal <em>R<sub>s</sub></em> value was 0.113 ohm/sq. Furthermore, for HM-FPP in which the wobbly probe only A, there is no problem encountered with the variation of the deviation because all <em>S<sub>Rs</sub></em> are less than 5%. For wobbly probes A and B, if they are on the same side of the center point of each probe, the maximum allowable deviation is 0.3 mm. The <em>S<sub>Rs</sub></em> for this case were 4.6%. However, if they are on different sides of the center point of each probe, the maximum allowable deviation is 0.1 mm with <em>S</em><em><sub>Rs</sub></em> of 2.9%. With these results, HM-FPP craftsmen must be more careful in making the size of the probe hole.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Toifur, Moh. Irma Sukarelawan, Okimustava