Naive Bayes for Thesis Labeling


  • Fitria Nurhayati Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Arfiani Nur Khusna Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Dimas Chaerul Ekty Saputra Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Gadjah Mada



Confusion Matrix, Thesis Title, K-Fold Cross Validation, Classifitcation, Naive Bayes


The thesis preparation in the Department of Informatics Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is divided into two areas of interest, namely Intelligent Systems and Software and Data Engineering. Existing thesis title data is only used as an archive and has never been processed or classified to determine the trend of thesis topics based on student interest each year. The stages include data collection, the data is divided into two parts (training data and test data), manual labeling of training data, text preprocessing, and classification using Naive Bayes. The results show the trend of thesis title taking from 2013 to 2018 shows the thesis trend in the field of Intelligent Systems and Software. Accuracy testing uses Confusion Matrix and K-Fold Cross Validation with a k value is 10, has a value of 94.60%, a precision of 97.30%, and a recall of 85.70%.

Author Biographies

Fitria Nurhayati, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Department of Informatics

Arfiani Nur Khusna, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology

Dimas Chaerul Ekty Saputra, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Gadjah Mada

Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering, The School Graduate


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