Enterprise Architecture Planning untuk Pengelolaan Masjid Muhammadiyah


  • Jefree Fahana Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Rusydi Umar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan




Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Planning, SI/TI, Masjid, Muhammadiyah


Majelis Tabligh merupakan unsur pembantu pimpinan yang ditunjuk sebagai penanggungjawab lapangan dalam pengelolaan masjid Muhammadiyah. Sampai tulisan ini hadir, data-data berkait pengelolaan masjid masih belum ada, seperti jumlah masjid se-DIY, kondisi masjid, pengelolaan jamaah, pengelolaan keuangan masjid, dan lainnya. Pengawasan terhadap masjid-masjid Muhammadiyah juga masih belum bisa dilakukan, maka perlu dukungan sistem informasi/teknologi informasi (SI/TI) yang terintegrasi. Enterprise Architecture adalah gambaran hubungan logis yang terintegrasi antara visi misi, proses bisnis, system informasi, dan infrastruktur organisasi. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) merupakan suatu metode atau kerangka acuan untuk membangun suatu arsitektur informasi yang mengacu pada tujuan atau kebutuhan bisnis organisasi yaitu arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur teknologi. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu arsitektur bisnis yang teridentifikasi berupa area fungsi, fungsi bisnis, dan proses bisnis Majelis Tabligh. Arsitektur data berupa 10 entitas data. Arsitektur aplikasi berupa 18 aplikasi. Arsitektur Teknologi yang teridentifikasi salahsatunya menggunakan platform web dan Mobile. Selain itu, didapatkan juga portofolio aplikasi dalam bentuk Mc Farlan Grid.

The Majelis Tabligh is an auxiliary element to the leadership who is appointed to be in charge of the field in the management of the Muhammadiyah mosque. Until now, there are still no data related to mosque management, such as the number of mosques in Yogyakarta, the condition of mosques, management of congregations, mosque financial management, and others. Supervision of Muhammadiyah mosques is still not possible, so it is necessary to support an information system/information technology (IS / IT) system. Enterprise Architecture is a description of the integrated logical relationship between the vision and mission, business processes, information systems, and organizational infrastructure. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a method or frame of reference for building an information architecture that refers to the goals or business needs of the organization, namely business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture. This research resulted in an identified business architecture in the form of function areas, business functions, and the Majelis Tabligh business process. The data architecture consists of 10 data entities. The application architecture is in the form of 18 applications. One of the identified technology architectures uses web and mobile platforms. In addition, you can also get a portfolio of applications in the form of the Mc Farlan Grid.


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