Rediscover Story Of Muhammadiyah Through 3D Game By Applying Game Development Life Cycle


  • Achmad Nur Hafizh Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ahmad Azhari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Though specifically in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is already well known but there are still some who do not know their history. This makes people that do not know about Muhammadiyah and the history behind it to make unfounded assumptions about the Islamic refined organization. The purpose is to make an educational game based on Muhammadiyah Museum to further increase the wisdom of players about Muhammadiyah’s history and also to remember and know the history behind each artifact is visualized in form of a game to increase the player’s knowledge. The game development for players will be developed using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) methodology and mostly the modelling technique that will be used is mesh modelling technique in Blender. Each step of this methodology is fitting for the game development and the step might be skipped or swapped according to the needs of research. There are 2 black box tests conducted, the first black box test that has 15 functions result is 47% in accordance with several bugs found which was fixed in the second black box test that resulted 87% in accordance, 13% not in accordance because of the feature was not yet implemented but listed in the main menu. The second test conducted which results and practicality of this educational game using the System Usability Scale (SUS) which consists of 10 instrument statements were scored 85.3 which means that this educational game was declared excellent and acceptable.


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Mesh Modelling Technique Sample





