Indonesian Review of Physics 2024-12-11T07:03:26+00:00 Dr. Moh. Toifur, M.Si Open Journal Systems <div id="customblock-sidemenu" class="pkp_block block_custom"> <div class="content"> <div align="justify"> <div align="justify"><br /><hr /> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> Indonesian Review of Physics</strong></td> <td rowspan="16" valign="top" width="20%"><img src="" alt="cover" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> IRiP</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="50%"><em>:</em><em><strong> Indones. Rev. Phys.</strong></em></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Scope</td> <td width="50%">: see<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Scope</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Business Model</td> <td width="50%">: <strong><a href="">Open Access</a> &amp; <a href="">Author-Pays</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="50%">: <strong>2 issues per year | June and December</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> Prefix 10.12928/irip </strong><img src=";base64,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" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Type of Review</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> <a href="">Double Blind Review</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">eISSN</td> <td width="50%">:<a href=""><strong> 2621-2889</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">License</td> <td width="50%">: <a href=""><strong>CC-BY-SA</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> <a href="">Fatin Aliah Phang</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="50%">:<strong><a href=""> Universitas Ahmad Dahlan</a> </strong>in collaboration with <strong><a href="" target="_self">AGFI</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="50%">: <strong><a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=1">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a> | <a href="">Scopus</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Metrics</td> <td width="50%">:<strong> <a href="">Authors Diversity</a> | <a href=";login_id=4&amp;code=82c4f959a5bba314adf649b27d5b7377&amp;guest_login=1" target="_self">Visitors Statistics</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Digital Marketing</td> <td>: <strong>Direct Email | <a href="">Instagram</a> | <a href="">Website</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Sponsorships</td> <td width="50%">: see <a href=""><strong>Sponsor</strong></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div align="justify"><hr /> <p align="justify">Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It is a semi-annual journal published in June and December. The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, researches results, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of <em>Physics for Technology-Based Education, Health Physics, Materials Physics, Astrophysics, Physics for Disaster, and Computational Physics</em>. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in <strong>English)</strong> which never been published or under consideration for publication in any other publication. Submission the journal should normally follow the <strong><a href=";ouid=110518372075931349720&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IRiP template</a></strong>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Implantable Antennas for Biomedical Purposes: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Future Directions 2024-02-07T02:33:17+00:00 Muhammad Miftahul Amri Urfa Khairatun Hisan Dwi Sulisworo <p>This article provides a comprehensive review of implantable antennas in the context of their application within the biomedical field. Through a systematic exploration of cutting-edge developments and associated challenges, a thorough understanding of antenna design, performance considerations, and safety implications is obtained. The investigation thoroughly examines diverse antenna types, including planar, microstrip, fractal-geometry, and others, elucidating the design considerations that govern their suitability for a wide array of implantable medical devices (IMDs). Substrate and material choices are critical factors influencing antenna efficiency and biocompatibility. The utilization of available frequency bands is evaluated, highlighting the inherent tradeoffs that dictate their applicability in biomedical applications. Additionally, the promising domain of rectenna technology is explored for its potential in sustainable energy harvesting. The discourse on miniaturization techniques underscores their pivotal role in enabling the seamless integration of antennas within intricate implant structures. Safety aspects are paramount, encompassing metrics such as specific absorption range (SAR), maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits, and thresholds for localized temperature changes. The intricate interplay between human body effects and antenna performance is briefly elaborated. Methodologies for thorough evaluation, spanning computer simulations, as well as experiments in in vivo and in vitro scenarios, are discussed for their pivotal role in iteratively refining antenna functionality.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Miftahul Amri, Urfa Khairatun Hisan, Dwi Sulisworo Review: Synthesis and Characterization of Dye Combination as Photosensitizer Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell 2023-01-04T03:05:18+00:00 Prima Fitri Rusliani Eka Cahya Prima <p>The need for energy that continues to increase has led to research processes to create renewable technologies. One of them is manufacturing a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell with a photosensitizer derived from great natural ingredients, easy to extract and environmentally friendly. Although the resulting efficiency is not as excellent as synthetic materials, combining these natural pigments can expand the absorption area. The efficiency of a combination dye is more significant than a single dye. This review analyses the synthesis process and characterization of the dye combination as a DSSC photosensitizer starting from dye extraction and TiO2 deposition to characterization using various tools. In addition, there are results of research with dye combinations that can be prospects for further study.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Prima Fitri Rusliani, Eka Cahya Prima Probability and Heisenberg Uncertainty of He+ at Quantum Numbers n≤3 2024-12-11T07:03:26+00:00 Bambang Supriadi Zidan Afidah Maya Arsita Simatun Ni’mah Merry Khanza Kusuma Wardhany Moh Dimas Feri Hermansyah <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the probability and uncertainty of electron linear momentum in with the Heisenberg uncertainty approach. Measurement of the position and momentum of atomic electrons is probabilistic. The probability and uncertainty of electron linear momentum are analysed analytically, and simulations of hydrogenic atoms' normalized radial wave function are performed. they can be viewed as hydrogenic atoms with only one electron orbital. The probability and uncertainty of electron linear momentum in decrease with increasing values of the principal quantum number n ≤ 3. While the uncertainty of the electron position is increasing. The results of this study are in accordance with the characteristics of position and linear momentum that are not commutable. The increase in the value of the main quantum number means that the electron's position against this is getting farther, and the speed in the orbital is getting smaller.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Supriadi, Zidan Afidah, Maya Arsita, Simatun Ni’mah, Merry Khanza Kusuma Wardhany, Moh Dimas Feri Hermansyah Magnetic Field on A Square Helmholtz Coil Experiments Using Remote Laboratory 2024-05-31T05:27:26+00:00 Ishafit Ishafit Diah Ayu Kustianingsih Toni Kus Indratno Moh. Irma Sukarelawan <p>This research aims to explore the potential for innovation in physics teaching methods by utilizing remote laboratory technology for square Helmholtz coil magnetic field experiments. This research uses experiments with two variations of the distance between coils, accessed through an online portal-based remote laboratory, and magnetic field data taken using a Vernier magnetic field sensor. The results showed that the remote experiment produced data similar to the analytical predictions, with relative errors of 7.45% and 6.06% for the two different inter-coil distances. In conclusion, remote laboratories have great potential to support innovation in physics teaching methods. This research implies that remote experiments can be an efficient and accurate tool in online physics learning, providing a helpful practicum experience despite being conducted remotely.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ishafit, Diah Ayu Kustianingsih, Toni Kus Indratno, Moh. Irma Sukarelawan The Mismatch between Knowledge and Belief: A Comparative Study of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Confidence in the Topic of Center of Gravity 2024-11-10T02:29:41+00:00 Dani Irawan M. Anas Tohir Nadia Abdul Wahab <p>This study explores the discrepancy between conceptual understanding and confidence levels among mechanical engineering students regarding the concept of the center of gravity. Despite its importance in physics, students frequently hold misconceptions about the center of gravity, particularly in irregular objects and composite shapes. Using a novel five-tier diagnostic instrument, this research measured students' understanding and confidence in their responses and reasons. The findings revealed that 12% of students had misconceptions and revised their personal thoughts as the most recurring error source. Furthermore, a sizeable group of students demonstrated an illusion of knowing something high wherein they were very sure but wrong! This should serve to prove the importance of teacher educational reforms, which support overturning misconceptions and correctness of levels of confidence of students to a corresponding realistic base. Knowledge and beliefs were further intertwined through the analysis of the Rasch model, in a bid to understand this relationship. The reported results also increase knowledge in physics instruction because they provide practical ways of minimizing misconceptions as well as an effective teaching profession, especially on the topic of center of gravity. This paper highlights how addressing both conceptual and psychological factors when students are learning can help them in physics education. By integrating psychological and conceptual dimensions into teaching strategies, educators can enhance students' grasp of foundational concepts like the center of gravity and improve their overall learning outcomes in physics and engineering contexts. This research contributes to the development of evidence-based instructional practices aimed at minimizing misconceptions and fostering deeper, more accurate learning.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dani Irawan, M. Anas Tohir, Nadia Abdul Wahab