Human Value Development of Salesteam: An Effort to Strengthen Shari’a Insurance Institution
Customer engagement value, values of asking others, values of helping others, jama’ah oriented leadershipAbstract
This study aims to build a sales team value improvement model through customer engagement value and jama’ah-oriented leadership in Sharia Insurance. A total of 187 respondents were involved in this study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed by using SmartPLS. The results showed that jama’ah-oriented leadership strengthened the influence of customer engagement value on human value development, both values of asking and helping others. This study's results have implications for applying social capital theory as the root of relational capital. The results of this study are expected to strengthen human resources quality in sharia insurance as part of the Islamic Financial Institution. The sales team is important in delivering the product or service’s value to customers. A salesperson with an orientation to building customer engagement and peer engagement will consider customers and colleagues as brothers in Islam. With this value, the salesperson will strive to advance themselves, give well to consumers and give the spirit to do the best for their colleagues so that further, the organization will have the best impact on the community.
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